Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding

You needed a class to tell you whatā€™s racist? Did you pass the exam?

Part Time Farmers never fail. Ever

Racism in Galway. Quelle surprise.

Theyre actively teaching them how to be racist nowā€¦

Sunak lacking the killer instinct here. Badenock, Braverman, Cleverly, Wallace and Zahawi all returning to cabinet apparently. These snakes need to be driven Out, out, outā€¦


Meet the new boss same as the old boss

Looks like Sunak has just rearranged the deckchairs and brought back all the usual faces bar Mogg and Brandon Lewis.

The Gover is back


Thats racist mate

Is that better or worse than the previous allegation of casual racismā€¦ā€¦
Ben Wallaceā€™s first duty as Defence Secretary has given me a out card here.

Braverman was the price of fighting off Boris Iā€™d imagine.

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Possibly but its probably a shrewder appointment then first thought. Home secretary is a high enough profile to keep the likes of the ERG off his back. But lets be honest here, sheā€™ll be preoccupied with the immigration issue. Now you can argue the fact that immigrant issue is a fairly big one but for the moment the economy takes centre stage. Now I think Sunak does have some bit of a brain between the ears and while he might describe himself as a brexiteer, heā€™s also clever enough to know that the current state of affairs takes precedent. So let Braverman off on her crusade

Keeps the ERG at bay as you said. Lots of Johnson supporters in there. Gavin Williamson back too. To be honest, thereā€™s not many more he could have put in there who have experience, which is needed after the past 12 months. However, most of them are useless cunts with experience.


Well this is it. I do think Sunak is a shrewd enough operator . Hunt in fairness seems to at least realise the shit show thats goi g on. Penny Mordaunt for all her inexperience seems to want to earn an honest living. The rest of them couldnā€™t run a bath between them

I do think the Braverman appointment will come back on him at some point. Whether heā€™s shrewd or not, Iā€™m still not sure. He gets easily rattled in the media when challenged and by keeping Zahawi for example shows heā€™s not confident/strong and willing to reward bootlickers.

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Well as you said a couple of posts up, he really has fuck all to work with. He had to go for one of Braverman or Patel. Having the two of them stirring it up on the back benches would cause shit sooner rather than later. Tne ERG are more interested in some kind ethnically cleansed society then they are in a stable economy. Ergo they wont give two fucks what Hunt does as long as Braverman can charter the plane to Rwanda. Then thereā€™s the old saying ā€œKeep your friends closeā€ and all that malarkey


He has enough to work with. He should have consigned the erg to the back of row x, and dared then to have a go.
If I was him, however, I would probably appoint a few, and just publicly undermine/ignore them til they resign. They are invariably vile people.

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Ben Wallace has done okay. Schapps was doing well when he was in Transport and as much as I hate what he did to education, Gove is a good politician. The rest howeverā€¦.

Actually, I wouldnā€™t, Iā€™d not sup with those cunts. Iā€™d have a night of the long knives, and what about it.