Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding

Thatā€™s a fair hike in rate. Lucky you were sensible. Itā€™ll break some folk a hike like that.

Yea it is but I fear itā€™ll shoot up again over the next year or two hence the 5 year. Iā€™m annoyed I didnā€™t sort it in august when Iā€™d planned to!

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Such is life. :slightly_frowning_face:

GIF by Another Period


Its the smart move. If the toryā€™s know one thing itā€™s how to cling to power. They will cast Liz Truss as the super villian screwing the poor to help her rich pals before unveiling Super Boris at the last minute who will promise to rescind it all (well, some) just in time to win the next election. Brexit Dave and racist Danny in the red wall will have a right chuckle and say good olā€™ Boris and weā€™ll all be right back where we started


Law and order gone. England is fucked.
(Not a racist post)

As expected. Fcuk all.

The banks are withdrawing mortgage offers now due to the uncertainty. Remarkable.

Looks like the cops were trying to save your man being beaten to death?


They wonā€™t bring Boris back.

Theyā€™re saying in the comments your man being lead away for his own safety was a spy for Iran govt. He takes photos and videos of.protestors apparently so people can be identified by Iran apparatus and their families back home get a knockā€¦

The world is a mad house

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Fcuk :flushed::flushed::flushed:
Wouldnā€™t know where to start with that.
If itā€™s true, a kicking is the least he should get tbh, given we know what the Iranians are likely to do to families they perceived to have crossed them.


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He had him until he mentioned the All Blacks. Hardwood is your typical Brit who went to a posh school so thinks his views and opinions are correct. A fucking idiot funded by god knows who.



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This lad seems to know what heā€™s talking about.

England is fucked in the short to medium term.

The bond markets will force their hand very quickly. People canā€™t sell English debt fast enough. Greece can borrow money more cheaply now.

Itā€™s going to be a bloodbath.

Come back Rishi all is forgiven