UK general election 2019 - corbinned

Tories not happy at Red Nev’s truth bomb


You didn’t answer the point raised to you.


You didn’t make a point

It isn’t my fault you weren’t able to

Start taking some personal responsibility for your own poorly written posts rather than blaming me

I typed out a very well written post making plenty of cogent points in reply to your non-entity of a post and you’ve just ignored it

Stop playing the victim, it’s not a good look

The far right espouse personal responsibility but the truth is most of them wouldn’t be fit to tie their own shoelaces without some financial imbursments from mammy and daddy

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@Tim_Riggins had no problem with water charges here, even though water charges affected all households regardless of income

But as soon as it’s suggested those over £80k in the UK might start paying a little more tax, he has a big problem with that

They would rather point the finger and laugh at people who are struggling and didn’t have the same advantages as they did

They love sneering

Especially this time of year

Frankie Boyle nailed it


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Hancock will be doing a Nick Clegg with Amazon before long

Clegg works for Facebook now

This is pretty clear cut @Sidney, going off on rants on what Jeremy Corbyn is going to do is nearly here nor there.

The problem the left have is they think people just stay in income bands. The reality is they do not.

I have no issue with saying that people who inherit significant wealth are “loaded” and that this should be taxed more.

Anyone who thinks someone on 80K with a family to support and a mortgage is “loaded” obviously doesn’t have to deal with either issue.

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Also…in this day and age we often have both couples earning. £80k would not be beyond a lot of couples.

I don’t think many would say a couple earning that together would be loaded with so many variable factors there depending on how many kids they have, their mortgage, pensions etc. Comfortable really, but loaded?

Is a one income family (what was traditional and is no longer as valued by society) on that much really loaded either? This seems to assume they’ll be on £80k every year where as in reality most people will slide up the scale to that much and end up there for a few years before dropping out in their senior years. Additionally those people on £80k and “coining it” will have skills, experience, responsibility and often the workload to match that.

There is no question that there is a majority portion of the “0.1%” who hold a lot of capital and won’t go down the income chain…but they are the 0.1%, we are talking multiples of £80k.

I have no problem with rhetoric from people talking about inherited wealth but it’s actually really thick of the left to use it carte Blanche on income levels. It’s the reason why the Tories did so well over the years. Tony Blair for all his faults, got that.

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Exactly. I have no problem taxing the fuck out of the likes of Jeff Bezos and his ilk who are worth tens or hundreds of billions, including significantly raising the capital gains rate above a certain $ gain.

To suggest though that people who work their ass off to build a career are not paying their fair share is ludicrious. Higher earners are already paying most of the income tax collected, low income pay no income tax and mid income pay very modest tax rates. The incentive should be to encourage people to build careers, not punish them for it.

Fundamentally what the far left want is to take more away from those who put in enormous sacrifices to support their families and give it to lazy cunts who have no interest in work and demand a free house in the place of their choosing, a choice not available to most working people.

So you’re just making up stuff about what you think other people think

That was your “point”

That’s not a “point”, that’s an actual rant

For those in full-time work, the average UK salary is £35,423 and £12,083 for those in part-time work, and yes I did Google that, it took about 5 seconds, it would help if more people Googled stuff because they would be more informed

Somebody on £80k is making serious money by any normal standards

Increasing the marginal tax rate on incomes of between 80k and 125k by 5% is a very moderate and reasonable proposal

He sold out years ago.