UK general election 2019 - corbinned

It isn’t in the slighest bit odd.

A professional is someone who has specialized knowledge and skills, a teacher, engineer or doctor for example. A non professional does not require specialized knowledge or skills, a (human) dishwasher in a restaurant or cashier at a supermarket for example.

You seem to be the forums go to guy on this sid :joy:

Comres for the Torygraph say 41 to 33 which results in a 14 seat majority.


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Wow, the sneering at the poor just got worse

You’re the guy who was suggesting that people literally get free, no strings attached, guaranteed income from the state not long ago because the system had failed

You’re the person who said Brexit and Trump won because the system had failed

Yet now you’ve done a complete 180

What I was saying about you last night is spot on

You don’t believe in anything and literally change your argument just to be against what I say

Sajid Javid says he reads Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand every year

Heaven help Britain when the “intellectual” underpinning of Tory ideology is a mixture of that rot and Dickensianism

Did any of the Mainstream Media journalist not watch that debate last night?

I presume most Papers today were scathing of the Boris Horror Show?

Gary Neville on SS has accused Boris of enciting hatred with his comments last night on Migration.

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Gary Neville is sound

I’ve always liked him

I did these projections out during the week

I have Labour holding Hartlepool, Leigh, Barnsley, Bury South, Peterborough, West Bromwich West and a couple of Durham seats but these are far from certain

Similarly have Tories holding Putney, Wimbledon, Esher and Walton (Raab), Wokingham (Redwood), and a good few others where I expect strong Lib Dem challenges

Southport is already looking dodgy based on new polling

Tory gains from Labour:

Barrow and Furness
Battersea (split Lab/Lib Dem vote)
Bishop Auckland
Blackpool South
Bolton North East
Bury North
Colne Valley
Crewe and Nantwich
Croydon Central
Dagenham and Rainham
Derby North
Don Valley
Dudley North
Great Grimsby
High Peak
Kensington (split Lab/Lib Dem vote)
Lancaster and Fleetwood
Newcastle Under Lyme
Penistone and Stocksbridge
Reading East
Rother Valley
Stockton South
Stoke On Trent Central
Stoke On Trent North
Walsall South
Warrington South
Warwick and Leamington
Weaver Vale
West Bromwich West
Wirral West
Wolverhampton North East
Wolverhampton South West
Cardiff North
Clywd South
Vale of Clwyd

Tory gains from Lib Dems:
North Norfolk
Westmorland and Lonsdale
Brecon and Radnorshire

Lib Dem gains from Tories:
Hazel Grove
North Devon
Richmond Park
St. Ives

Lib Dem gains from Labour
Leeds North West
Sheffield Hallam

Labour gains from Tories:
Chingford and Woodford Green (Iain Duncan-Smith out)
Chipping Barnet (Theresa Villiers out)

Independent gain from Tory:
East Devon (Claire Wright in)

SNP gains from Tories:
Aberdeen South

SNP gains from Labour:
Coatbridge, Chryston and Bellshill
East Lothian
Glasgow North East
Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath
Rutherglen and Hamilton West

SNP gain from Lib Dems:
Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross

Plaid Cymru gain from Labour:
Ynys Mon

A hung dàil so

Fraid not

I have Tories on 359, Labour 199, Lib Dems 22, SNP 45, Plaid Cymru 5, Green 1, Independent 1, DUP 9, Sinn Fein 6, SDLP 2, UUP 1

323 is an effective majority

For there to be any chance of a hung parliament the tactical vote will likely to have be effective in a way I just don’t foresee happening, the Tories would have to lose a lot of seats down south, Labour would have to hold at least 20 more northern seats than I expect, hold up in Wales as well, and the SNP would have to have a very good night, by that I mean at least 50 seats

Thread by the father of one of the London Bridge victims

to prevent it. Let’s have an enquiry, not a witch hunt. Secondly, there is no justification AT ALL for cutting the early release tariff from a half to a third of sentences for all sentences over 4 years that carry a maximum life sentence; that‘s just trying to look tough 2/

on the backs of other prisoners’ suffering; if prisoners have engaged with rehabilitation & turned their lives around, why should they be punished for what Khan did? How will keeping them in for another few years keep public safe if they get released then with the same lack 3/

of supervision and support? The prison education, probation and monitoring services have been cut to the bone, & overcrowding in prisons is inhumane - prisoners don’t win votes unless politicians are promising to be tough on them - but that makes re-offending MORE likely, 4/

which makes the public LESS SAFE. Is that what we want? People are being released from prison with nowhere to live, given £47 & told to get on with it. Any guesses how people cope faced with that situation? No prizes. Corbyn spoke the truth last night. Johnson lied & used our 5/

son’s death to make political capital. Wake up Britain: this man is a fraud. He’s the worst of us, & he’s taking you for a ride. You may think the options open to you in this election are not entirely to your liking. Me neither, but I’ll be voting least worst option: anti-Tory 6/


Clearly a man of fortitude and high intelligence. The usual suspects will be out to blacken his name now

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People go in and out of income streams Sidney, this is the mistake the left constantly make.

Hereditary wealth I have no problem with criticising and taxing more on, within the realms of what efficiently collects tax.

What percentage bracket in terms of income is somebody on £80k in?

How much extra income tax would they pay under Labour?

How much extra income tax would somebody on 125k pay?

Who have the IFS said are more likely to raise council taxes? Hint: it’s not Labour

The irony is that right-wing ideologists often moan that taxes are too low on lower earners

So they have no objection in principle to raising income taxes, they just prefer it to be on the lower paid

But when a fact is stated, that somebody earning 80k is very high up in the percentage ladder in terms of income, they throw the toys out of the pram

I find that very strange

It’s almost like right-wing ideology is explictly geared towards making the rich richer and the poor poorer

And some of the rhetoric that has been seen on this thread today would certainly back that up

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Tory candidate in Broxtowe, Anna Soubry’s constituency

The candidate tells people they’re using foodbanks because they can’t manage their budget properly

Then tells them to go and get a payday loan, which is basically legalised loan sharking

Did somebody say “sneering”?

How sad is it that one of the most cogent pieces of political analysis in the British media during this campaign had to be delivered by a football pundit

More sense in 10 seconds than you’d hear in a whole campaign from Laura Kuennsberg or Robert Peston

Give Red Nev Kuennsberg’s job, he’d be miles better

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Nail on the head from Neville. Football takes the issue of racism a lot more seriously than politics

Raving anti-Semite, ooh, he’s evil, he’s evil

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