UK general election 2019 - corbinned

Exactly. I have no problem taxing the fuck out of the likes of Jeff Bezos and his ilk who are worth tens or hundreds of billions, including significantly raising the capital gains rate above a certain $ gain.

To suggest though that people who work their ass off to build a career are not paying their fair share is ludicrious. Higher earners are already paying most of the income tax collected, low income pay no income tax and mid income pay very modest tax rates. The incentive should be to encourage people to build careers, not punish them for it.

Fundamentally what the far left want is to take more away from those who put in enormous sacrifices to support their families and give it to lazy cunts who have no interest in work and demand a free house in the place of their choosing, a choice not available to most working people.

So you’re just making up stuff about what you think other people think

That was your “point”

That’s not a “point”, that’s an actual rant

For those in full-time work, the average UK salary is £35,423 and £12,083 for those in part-time work, and yes I did Google that, it took about 5 seconds, it would help if more people Googled stuff because they would be more informed

Somebody on £80k is making serious money by any normal standards

Increasing the marginal tax rate on incomes of between 80k and 125k by 5% is a very moderate and reasonable proposal

He sold out years ago.

There’s somebody here who’s extremely out of touch and it isn’t me

When poorer people have children the likes of you and @Tim_Riggins tell them “it was their own personal choice”

Tories say people forced to use foodbanks “can’t budget”, then tell them to get a payday loan, oh my God like, talk about being out of touch and sneering

And then you say the people on 80k are the ones struggling, christ man, listen to yourself, you’re an embarrassment

The fact is, yes, people on 80k very much are loaded by any normal standards

And under Labour they wouldn’t even pay any extra income tax

90% of people in the UK earn below 70k

The Tories and people like you don’t give a shit about poor people, they don’t give a shit about the NHS, they don’t give a shit that 5 million children live in poverty and a further million are projected by 2023

People like you have a problem with basic humanity - you don’t have it


How long are they making that?

4 out of 5 workers in Ireland move up from the lowest income bands within 10 years.

You haven’t addressed the point here.

Do you think a couple with two kids are both earning £40k are really earning “serious coin” after all of their costs? They might be comfortable, but that’s the extent of it. They will have a zillion and one things to fund and there are risks in life always.

I don’t have a problem with arguing for higher taxes for better services or whatever, but dial down on the rhetoric there. Circumstances for everyone is different…I thought someone who says the right don’t have human empathy would get that.

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What point?

You’re just ranting and constructing an argument which doesn’t even make any sense based off your straw man idea of what you think other people think, as right-wingers on this forum always do

Earners under 80k won’t pay any extra income tax under Labour

What will somebody on 125k pay extra in tax under Labour?

Do tell me - it’s an easy question to find the answer to

Try and make a better fist of it than this lady :grin:

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I’m consistent on my point, you claimed someone earning £80k is loaded and fuck them.

You ignored mobility between income levels. This is real.

You ignored personal circumstances.

You’re off on one. You can’t simply make an argument for higher taxes without resorting to bizarre language of conflict.

You’re just ranting again because you can’t answer any questions

Funny how you only mention “personal circumstances” in relation to people on higher incomes

Very instructive

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Surely the threshold for a couple is a lot higher Tim? Most likely 160grand? All is relative, 80 grand to raise a family in London or Dublin would disappear very quickly. 80g living in rural ireland/England should be living very comfortably. You’d have all the crowbangers and wheel braces you want.

This Brexit “deal” is a dead loss

All this is a road to No Deal at the start of 2021

Yes fair. But according to Sidney someone earning £70k is a loaded.

So a couple on the median UK salary would land on £70k and are loaded in his book.

Why does Sidney hate the average family?

You’re ranting again

Mad how a basic statistic triggers you so much

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Anyone with a floppy fringe was always an enemy of rock n roll

People earning 80K are not the cause of poverty mate.

I don’t live in the UK, but if I did I would vote LD in this election or Labour if they had a sensible leader and not a far left simpleton zealot.

Unless you grew up in poverty or at least relative poverty, you know nothing about the experience. Just like you know nothing about America or Americans but claim to be an expert, based on your far left Twitter feed.

The rest of your post is just your usual nonsense. You are basically a windbag with far too much time on your hands.

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@Sidney absolutely schooling the far right here but rather than listen and learn they just want to project and demonise.

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And who said they were?

So who or what is “the cause” of poverty, then?

On Friday the Tory candidate for Ashfield told poor people who have to use foodbanks it was their own fault, because “they can’t budget”, then told them to get a payday loan

I take it you agree with this, given your earlier rant against poor people, yes?

Right, the “Lib Dem” supporter who said he’d vote for Brexit because “the UK is being destroyed by immigration”, sure

You’re literally all over the place

Given your earlier rant about poor people which came straight out of Dickens, I think it’s pretty clear who knows nothing or doesn’t want to know anything about poverty

The fact that I understand the US better than you really fucking irks you, doesn’t it

That’s not a point, it’s a pathetic ad hominem because you can’t deal with my points

It’s also a tacit acceptance that I am correct

Under Labour’s plan, somebody earning £125k a year would pay an extra £2,250 in tax

Play me the world’s smallest violin

Sidney hates the average UK family pal. That’s all that’s been shown here.

What nonsense. All that is being shown here is contempt for people who didn’t have it as good as the average Tory voter like yoself

Unfortunately for Labour generally, and it’s going to be even more unfortunate this Friday, a lot of average salary people and below will be voting Tory this Friday.

You have to lay off the rhetoric a bit.