UK general election 2019 - corbinned


the poor lad cant even turn on a telly without it going on fire let alone mount a sophisticated cyber attack

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That’s exactly what he wants you to think

I think this is even more pertinent than it already was, and it was already the number one most pertinent issue as regards what is happening in British politics



It’s so cute the way some lads here act like Putin is some sort of benevolent “strongman” when in fact he’s a fascist tyrant who is easily the biggest threat to Europe since Hitler

He’s a hell of a lot smarter than Hitler, which is quite worrying

Over the last half decade, the world has witnessed a disturbing escalation in disruptive cyberattacks. In 2015 and 2016, hackers snuffed out the lights for hundreds of thousands of civilians in the first power outages ever triggered by digital sabotage. Then came the most expensive cyberattack in history, NotPetya, which inflicted more than $10 billion in global damage in 2017. Finally, the 2018 Olympics became the target of the most deceptive cyberattack ever seen, masked in layers of false flags.

In fact, those unprecedented events aren’t merely the recent history of cyberwarfare’s arms race. They’re all linked back to a single, highly dangerous group of hackers: Sandworm.

Since late 2016, I’ve been tracing the fingerprints of these Russian operatives from the US to Ukraine to Copenhagen to Korea to Moscow. The result is the book Sandworm , available Tuesday from Doubleday. But parts of that reporting have also been captured in a series of WIRED magazine features, which have charted the arc of Sandworm’s rise and catalogued some of its most brazen attacks. Here, together, are those three stories, from the first shots fired in Sandworm’s cyberwar against Ukraine, to the ballooning international toll of NotPetya, to the mysterious attack on the Pyeongchang Olympics, whose fingerprints ultimately led back to a tower looming over the Moscow canal.

Boris is walking this. His ultra positive message is wiping the floor with corbyn

A message that great things will happen if you throw yourself off a cliff is an ultra-positive message

It’s also very, very stupid

I don’t disagree mate.


I do disagree then.


Like a party of Noel Grealishes

Why do so many people think labour has anti semitism problem when it’s only made up @Sidney?

Because they believe the propaganda and targetted smears

You cannot support the Palestinian cause in the UK or the west and get away with it

For the exact same reason, propaganda, people don’t know the Tories have a massive racism problem and that Boris Johnson has referred to “piccaninnies with water melon smiles” and called gay men “bumboys” in his book

Michael Gove engaged in prima facie anti-Semitism last week and not a word was said about it

Meanwhile Jonathan Freedland falsely claimed a possible Labour candidate was anti-Semitic because he didn’t do due diligence - the person he claimed was an anti-Semite was a completely different person

Dan Carden was also laughably accused oof anti-Semitism, ironically it actually took a Tory supporting Mail On Sunday journalist who was on the bus where Carden was alleged to have made the comments to dismiss the story as a load of nonsense

There has actually been a proper academic study done on this

It blows the narrative out of the water with actual facts

0.06 of Labour’s membership have been accused of anti-Semitism and many of those complaints were bogus, and most had precious little evidence to back them up

I doubt someone like Anthony Beevor is stupid enough to be fooled by some articles in the daily mail mate

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Now this is a proper policy that will actually benefit everybody

Proper foresight and long term thinking

By design too, to create the conditions for flogging the NHS off

Remember the Tories gave Britain mass unemployment literally by design under the insane policy of monetarism

Presumably Corbyn is suggesting such policies for a post Brexit Britain? As they are absolutely illegal under EU law