Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

The liberators have arrived

You should donate your brain to science when you kick the bucket

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Cop on


That looks like the army helping with dead bodies from covid.

After 20 years in Iraq and the debacle in Afghanistan, there is little appetite for involvement in a Russia/Ukraine dispute or any foreign conflict. Americans care about domestic issues, inflation, the price of gas at the pump, crime. Less than 20% could find Ukraine or any eastern European country on a map.

Some were expecting Putin to back down, but today just further demonstrates he regards the US and the West in general as weak. He’s most likely right.

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I fucking hate it when I consistently compare somebody to Hitler and turn out to be right.

I’d imagine after COVID’s coming & going across Europe that’s a pretty similar viewpoint.

Thing is, will Putin stop with Ukraine?

It’s going to be interesting the reaction of his own population to this behaviour on essentially their blood relations in Ukraine.

4D chess or something something.

What will rip Europe apart is its unwillingness to stand the fuck up for itself.

At this time I can only defer to the words of Noel Gallagher. “This is history, this is history, right here, right now, this is history.”

EU are going to look very foolish if they can’t ban imports of Russian oil and gas and keep the lights on.

You’d expect to see the aul coal and nuclear power plants brought out of moth balls fairly soon or do we have enough wind

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Dictators stop when they are stopped. If you don’t stop them, they don’t stop.

Putin and Surkov have already talked about the borders of the imperial Russian Empire. That means the Baltic countries and Poland.

This is basic history. Europe and the west is relying on Ukraine standing alone, because we are too decadent to stand with them.

Too many countries pulling in too many directions.

At least the military might of Ireland supports a strong EU response.

The one thing I would agree with Sid on is there are parallels to the 1930s. The great depression where the US economy collapsed by 50% from 1929 to 1932 and then spread globally was the biggest factor in the rise of fascism. There are a lot of parallels today, a massive stock market bubble and central banks having little alternative to raising rates to fight inflation. What makes it worse is the insane levels of debt.

I’ve seen this Bryan MacDonald guy platformed quite a bit in Irish media, he’s a regular on Eamon Dunphy’s podcast. The reason you should never platform these bastards is because they are agents of murder.

Looks like they are starting to invade now.

Liberate you mean

A little prick that fella

The EU has one bullet, sanctions, if they use it they have nothing left. They have drawn the red lines re invading Ukraine, this isn’t that technically, it’s a bit watery but it isn’t. The EU is completely hamstrung by Germany as well. They need the Russians

I agree with you that they will have to take a stand, but imposing the sanctions now could be counter productive, Putin would have nothing to stop him and it could force his hand to make a bold move before the sanctions take their toll. I do think however that he won’t invade any further, simply because he wouldn’t win.

The strong thing to do here would be to guarantee the integrity of the rest of the Ukraine, but the smart thing is probably to do nothing and support Ukraine indirectly so as not to start WW3 between Nuclear powers

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Cry me a river.

Crimea River