UK general election 2019 - corbinned

Why do so many people think labour has anti semitism problem when it’s only made up @Sidney?

Because they believe the propaganda and targetted smears

You cannot support the Palestinian cause in the UK or the west and get away with it

For the exact same reason, propaganda, people don’t know the Tories have a massive racism problem and that Boris Johnson has referred to “piccaninnies with water melon smiles” and called gay men “bumboys” in his book

Michael Gove engaged in prima facie anti-Semitism last week and not a word was said about it

Meanwhile Jonathan Freedland falsely claimed a possible Labour candidate was anti-Semitic because he didn’t do due diligence - the person he claimed was an anti-Semite was a completely different person

Dan Carden was also laughably accused oof anti-Semitism, ironically it actually took a Tory supporting Mail On Sunday journalist who was on the bus where Carden was alleged to have made the comments to dismiss the story as a load of nonsense

There has actually been a proper academic study done on this

It blows the narrative out of the water with actual facts

0.06 of Labour’s membership have been accused of anti-Semitism and many of those complaints were bogus, and most had precious little evidence to back them up

I doubt someone like Anthony Beevor is stupid enough to be fooled by some articles in the daily mail mate

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Now this is a proper policy that will actually benefit everybody

Proper foresight and long term thinking

By design too, to create the conditions for flogging the NHS off

Remember the Tories gave Britain mass unemployment literally by design under the insane policy of monetarism

Presumably Corbyn is suggesting such policies for a post Brexit Britain? As they are absolutely illegal under EU law

Lots of intelligent people are fooled by a lot of things

Lots of otherwise intelligent people have insane views on some things

The reality is that Corbyn has spent his whole life fighting anti-Semitism and all racism

Johnson has spent most of his life dog whistling racism

That’s the long and short of it

Parts of the UK rail service were already re-nationalised in the EU

He’s a Blairite shill.

It’s a Corbyn problem more so than a Labour problem. The man is a raving loon far left simpleton with a history of associating with Islamic terrorists.

Has consistently supported the Islamic fascists Hamas and Hezbollah, referring to them as “our friends”.

Stood at a remembrance ceremony for the brave lads who massacred the Israeli athletes in Munich, including castrating one of them before execution.

Defended the nutcase Islamic cleric Raed Salah who promoted the blood libel that Jews bake children’s blood into their bread.

Objected to the removal of a mural in London that depicted Jewish bankers with large noses playing monopoly.

… and people wonder why Jews don’t trust him :joy:

Labour are a disgrace for not getting rid of this poisonous arsehole from the party, let alone making him leader.

Rail is completely different as well you know. Those routes were only handed out for terms and can be taken back easily enough once contracts expire.
You can’t just take the broadband infrastructure off a publicly listed company like BT. You’d be in court for years unless you decided to massively over pay.
Even if you did own the infrastructure you have to create conditions where private companies can compete (like they did to the ESB here).

That letter says that two Jewish MPs were “bullied out of the party”

I presume that refers to Luciana Berger and Louise Ellman

Berger received death threats and three people went to prison for them - what everybody always omits to mention is that those death threats came from the far right, not from anybody in Labour - the people that made the death threats against her were all active fascists

The police escort she received at a Labour party conference in 2018 was only for outside, precisely because of the threat of these fascists roaming around - inside she mingled freely

Yet this is never, ever stated in the media - the media always go with the false narrtive that she had police protection from members of her own party

This is a blatant lie

Here from 2014 is a news report about her receiving 2,500 racist tweets

Was Corbyn to blame for this?

Was Labour, given that it was led by the Jewish Ed Milband at the time?

No, of course not, it was targetted abuse by neo-Nazis

The far right have always been threatening her, yet somehow Corbyn gets blamed, because that’s the point, to smear him

Louise Ellman has always been unpopular

Have a read of what sort of policies she supports for the answer why

She voted “very strongly for” the Iraq War, “very strongly against” an investigation into that war, and “very strongly for” renewal of Trident, Britain’s nuclear weapons programme.

Liverpool Friends of Palestine has condemned Louise Ellman MP (Liverpool, Riverside) for her defence of targetted assassination.

Ellman told Parliament on Tuesday that “Israel’s action in killing Sheikh Yasin was a legitimate response to an extraordinary situation”.

Ellman has been unable to cite any actual anti-Semitic abuse she received from Labour members

Even @Tim_Riggins admits Corbyn is not an anti-Semite, and he hates him

John Bercow says that he has never seen Jeremy Corbyn exhibit “one whit” of anti-Semtism in the 22 years they were serving MPs

You have a long record of making up supposed anti-Semitism while engaging in prima facie anti-Semitism yourself

You literally think that all Jews outside Israel have dual loyalty

That is virulently anti-Semitic

There are no people who suffer more anti-Semitism in British politics that Jewish supporters of Corbyn’s Labour

In terms of virulent anti-Semitism, there is no major political entity which is more anti-Semitic than the US Republican Party, and the US right in general

You have consistently and shamelessly denied this anti-Semitism

Look at last week for instance and the reflex anti-Semitic reaction from Republicans and the general US right-wing to Alexander Vindman

Not a peep out of you about it, because that’s the “good” type of anti-Semitism in your eyes

Explain the following @anon7035031

Corbyn has always been one of the staunchest defenders of the Jewish community in parliament

You are living in a bizarro world - one where a lifelong committed anti-racist is an anti-Semite, yet the real anti-Semites are supposed to be friends of the Jewish community

As a propaganda bait and switch, even Vladimir Putin would think twice about that one

  • Corbyn organised the Apr. 1977 defence of Jewish populated Wood Green from a Neo-Nazi march
  • EDM3933 7 Nov. 1990: Corbyn signs motion condemning the rise of antisemitism
  • EDM634, 11 Apr. 2000: Jeremy Corbyn signs motion condemning David Irving for being a Holocaust Denier
  • EDM1124, 6 Nov. 2000: Jeremy Corbyn praised the ‘British Schindler’, Bill Barazetti, for his WW2 kindertransport
  • EDM742, 28 Jan. 2002: Jeremy Corbyn signs motion praising football clubs for commemorating Holocaust Day
  • EDM1233 30 Apr. 2002: Corbyn was a primary sponsor on a motion condemning antisemitism
  • 11 May 2002: Jeremy led a clean up of Finsbury Park Synagogue after an anti-Semitic attack
  • EDM1691, 23 July 2002: Corbyn condemned attacks on a synagogue in Swansea
  • EDM123 26 Nov. 2003: Corbyn officially condemns attacks on 2 Istanbul synagogues
  • EDM298, 16 Dec. 2003: Jeremy Corbyn signs motion commemorating International Holocaust Day
  • 2004: Jeremy condemned news that anti-Semitic hate crimes had risen for yet another year
  • EDM461, 21 Jan. 2004: Jeremy Corbyn condemned the French government’s moves to ban the Jewish Kippa in French Schools
  • EDM717, 26 Feb. 2004: Jeremy signed a motion praising Simon Wiesenthal for bringing Nazi perpetrators of the Holocaust to justice
  • EDM1613, 8 Sept. 2004: Corbyn co-sponsored a bill expressing fears for the future of the United Synagogue Pension Scheme
  • EDM1699, 11 Oct. 2004: Jeremy Corbyn condemned arbitrary attacks on civilians in Israel and Palestine
  • EDM482, 12 Jan. 2005: Jeremy Corbyn signs a motion commemorating International Holocaust Day
  • EDM343, 16 June 2005: Jeremy condemned the desecration of a Jewish cemetery in east London
  • EDM1343, 11 Jan. 2006: Jeremy Corbyn signs a motion commemorating International Holocaust Day
  • EDM1774, 8 Mar. 2006: Jeremy Corbyn led condemnations of an Iranian Magazine soliciting cartoons about the Holocaust
  • EDM1267, 16 Apr. 2006: Jeremy Corbyn condemned Bryan Ferry for anti-Semitic remarks
  • EDM2414, 26 June 2006: Jeremy Corbyn praised British war veterans for their efforts to combat the Holocaust
  • EDM2705, 10 Oct. 2006: Jeremy signed a motion marking the 70th anniversary of Cable Street
  • EDM271, 14 Nov. 2007: Jeremy co-sponsored a motion lamenting the poverty and social exclusion East London Jews suffered
  • EDM153, 12 May 2008: Corbyn praised the efforts of the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto during the uprising of 1944
  • EDM2350, 27 Oct 2008: Jeremy Corbyn signs a motion marking the 70th anniversary of the horrors of the holocaust
  • EDM173, 8 Dec. 2008: Jeremy condemned the Press Complaints Commission for refusing to sanction The Times for antisemitism
  • EDM461, 14 Jan. 2009: Jeremy Corbyn condemned a wave of recent anti-Semitic incidents targeted
  • EDM605, 27 Jan. 2009: Corbyn signed John Mann’s motion condemning antisemitism on university campuses
  • EDM917 26 Feb. 2009: Jeremy signs a motion condemning antisemitism on the internet
  • EDM1175 24 Mar. 2009: Corbyn signs a motion praising the heroism of British Jews during Holocaust
  • EDM337, 2 Dec. 2009: Jeremy Condemned Iran’s treatment of Jewish minorities in Iran
  • EDM850 9 Feb. 2010: Jeremy joins in calls for Facebook to do more to fight antisemitism
  • EDM891: 22 Feb 2010: Corbyn co-sponsors a motion calling for Yemen’s Jews to be given refugee status to the UK
  • EDM908 27 Oct. 2010: Corbyn praises work of late Israeli PM in his pursuit of a 2 state solution
  • EDM1360, 27 Jan. 2011: Corbyn co-sponsored a motion praising the ‘never again for anyone initiative’
  • EDM1527, 3 Mar. 2011: Corbyn backed Ian Paisley’s motion condemning the anti-Semitic remarks of Dior’s lead fashion designer
  • EDM2870, 14 Mar. 2012: Jeremy Corbyn condemned the sale of Nazi memorabilia at an auction in Bristol
  • EDM2866, 14 Mar 2012: Jeremy Corbyn co-sponsored a bill condemning the rise of antisemitism in Lithuania
  • EDM2899, 20 Mar. 2012, Jeremy Corbyn condemned a terrorist attack on a Jewish school in Toulouse
  • EDM168, 12 June 2012, Jeremy co-sponsored a motion condemning anti-Semitic attacks during EURO 2012 in Poland
  • EDM 195 13 June 2012: Jeremy attacks BBC for cutting Jewish programmes from Its schedule
  • EDM 1133 1 Mar 2013: Corbyn joins a chorus of calls condemning antisemitism In sport
  • 1 Oct. 2013: Corbyn was one of the few MPs who defended Ralph Miliband from Daily Mail antisemitism
  • EDM 932 9 Jan 2014: Jeremy praises Holocaust Memorial’s work on antisemitism education
  • EDM 165 22 June 2015: Jeremy condemns a Neo-Nazi rally planned for a Jewish area of London
  • Sat 4 July 2015: Jeremy co-planned a counter-fascist demo in defence of Jewish residents at Golders Green. The march was re-routed
  • 18 Nov. 2015, Corbyn used one of his first PMQs to challenge Cameron to do more on antisemiUsm
  • 9 Oct 2016: Corbyn, close to tears, leads commemoration of the Battle of Cable Street
  • 3 Dec. 2016: Corbyn visits Terezin Concentration Camp to commemorate Holocaust victims
  • In 2017-19 Jeremy introduced 20 new measures to combat antisemitism in the Labour Party

The lengths lads will go to so they can be right on the INTERNET


Facts are a cruel mistress, especially when they destroy a preconceived, baseless narrative

The anti-Corbyn narrative is blown out of the water here by FACTS

No surprise that a lying scumbag is supporting a fellow lying scumbag. Standard operating fare from you when your extreme positions are exposed.

The only people in the US who suggest that Jews in America have dual loyalty are the socialist nutcases like Ilhan Omar that you support. As a moderate Democrat I oppose both right wing Republicans and far left progressives, a pox on both their houses. If I lived in the UK I would support the Lib Dems, in the hope they could broker some kind of sensible coalition between the two morons either side of them.

To you Boris Johnson calling a gay man a bumboy is more harmful than a gay man being executed by Islamic nutcases. A Nazi symbol daubed on a wall is more harmful than actual Islamist terrorist attacks. This is the problem the far left finds themselves in, ranting about Catholic bigots in Ireland while calling out criticism of Islamic lunacy and hate as racism.

All Jews wherever they live support the right of Israel to exist and support the right of Israel to defend itself against attacks from radical Islamists. There are currently over 100 rockets landing a day in Israel, what should they do, turn the other cheek? Many Jews in the US for example may not agree with the Israeli government’s response to attacks or other Israeli government policies, but these two issues are red lines for Jews everywhere.

Corbyn like yourself is a lying simpleton who believes Jews in the Middle East should be subjected to a single state with an Islamic majority, ignoring the obvious fact that the result would be another genocide. When Islamists give up the notion that the only good Jew is a dead one, and decide to live side by side in a secular society, I’m sure Jews will start to trust the likes of Corbyn.

20 minutes typing that, and you’ve addressed literally none of my points

And engaged in prima facie anti-Semitism yet again, as well as a bit of homophobia for good measure

You are the ultimate hypocrite, an actual virulent anti-Semite who loves Israel and wants to obiliterate the Palestinian people

Doesn’t matter a shit as he has consistently sided with Islamic terrorists. This is the issue you seem to be blind to, siding with extremists whose goal is to slaughter all Jews does not typically go down well with Jews.

I’ll engage with your points when you explain your justification for calling my son (who’s political views would be similar to your own) a racist and a potential child murderer.