UK general election 2019 - corbinned

Wow, this from the guy who made up something last night to try and claim that Trump isn’t under Russian influence

You are desperate poster in both senses of the phrase

Corbyn is a committed anti-racist and a committed defender of the Jewish community - of course you hate him - your heroes are out and out racists

You started it when you compared me to the Ana Kriegel murderers

This is senior hurling, mate

I don’t start fights, but I finish them

I don’t make up anything. Obama refused to provide military aid to Ukraine, allowing 14,000 Ukrainian deaths at the hands of the Russians, and Trump has supplied military aid to Ukraine. This is not hard to understand and you cannot refute it.

You consistently lie and misrepresent what other posters state, you are a shitposter of the worst type.

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I didn’t compare you to anyone, I merely repeated what you have disclosed on here yourself. If you can’t take a bit of gentle ribbing then get out of the kitchen.

You’re not man enough to withdraw your disgusting comments about my son, it exposes you for what you are, a revolting scumbag.

None of that is true and is a conspiracy theory put out by the execrable drunk driving propagandist Matt Gaetz

Obama did provide military aid

Trump tried to stop it because i) he’s a corrupt mobster who would do anything to try and imprison his political opponents and ii) because he’s Putin’s man and wants to undermine Ukraine

The sooner you wake up to what everybody else with a quarter brain in the world has woken up to long ago - that Trump is an enemy of the US and Europe and is operating on bahlf of Putin, the sooner you’ll stop looking like a moron by running with the loonball conspiracy theories of Matt Gaetz, Devin Nunes, William Barr and the rest of the corrupt traitorous scumbags that make up the Republican party

Go and suck on a tampon, mate, you have form

Or shove it up yer arse, might stop you talking out of it

In terms of gentle ribbing, you wouldn’t know a gentle rib from a spare rib given you’ve spent the last four years being wound up by me like a yo yo

Here’s some actual institutional racism

And there’s no inquiry forthcoming

Everything you disagree with is a far right conspiracy (or misogynistic, homophobic, etc).

You obviously didn’t watch the hearings yesterday. Ambassador Talyor testified that Obama was unwilling to provide lethal military help to Ukraine out of concern of antagonizing Russia, something Taylor was disappointed by. He (Taylor) also praised the Trump administration for providing lethal (Javelin missiles) to Ukraine.

Your problem is you only see the world in black and white. Trump was wrong for withholding aid, but correct for earlier providing military weapons that have repelled Russian aggression.

Stage 9.

I see you’ve admitted I’m right about Obama, your attempt to change your wording is noted


I see things that are black and white in black and white, because that’s exactly how they should be seen

Anybody who remotely defends Trump on anything has lost any right to be taken remotely seriously

He is an existential threat to US society and to the sovereignty of places like Ukraine as well as Europe and deserves to spend the rest of his life in a prison cell

There has never been any doubt abou what you are - a far right nutcase and a white supremacist extremist

I am about as distant from far right and white supremacy as you are from reality.

My views are perfectly aligned with the majority of Americans, Independent, moderate Democrats and moderate Republicans. You regard all these people as the enemy and extremists, which of course exposes you as an utter fruitcake.

Trump is a buffoon but the far left hysteria towards him is psychotic. We have something called elections, the split between Democrat and Republican (registered and leaning) voters is about 60:40 so it is a matter of getting the vote out. That’s before factoring in the 40% who don’t vote, mostly disillusioned with politics.

Sensible candidates promoting a sensible platform that appeals to actual ordinary people would walk the election in 2020. I am not convinced that Democrats can achieve this, but time will tell.

Nobody needs to read a white supremacist denying they’re a white supremacist, thanks

That’s what Tucker Carlson is there for

To anybody living on planet earth there’s no such a thing as a moderate Republican

Your posts here deserve to be taken as seriously as a Russian spy claiming they went to Salisbury to see the cathedral

I know absolutely loads of moderate Republicans, in fact I would say 90% of Republicans in California are moderates, it’s simply the chill nature of the place.

You truly are clueless on the US and Americans, it’s sad to see after all my efforts.

The Nazis thought they were moderate too

And their belief was about as reasonable as yours

You mean the Worker’s party? I agree, all far left headcases at heart have murderous intent. I’m sure you’d agree Mao and Stalin’s henchmen were grand lads.

See, you’re just proving my point about what a complete head the ball you are

Thanks for taking the bait

Anyway, speaking of ball, almost time for Thursday night football.
Have a great night mate.

American football is about the only thing you encounter which doesn’t involve a case of head the ball

Also it isn’t football, it’s hand-egg

Gas cunts


The thought occurs that @Sidney might be better served putting all this effort into some UK type TFK website where he can try and convince lads who actually have a vote in the election.