UK general election 2019 - corbinned

There’s an internationally recognised right to nationalize but you have to pay fair compensation because there’s also an internationally recognised right to property.

It really is you know, and also, Pete Seeger was brilliant (Cc: @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy)

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Racist supports a racist shocker

That broadband policy is a sure fire vote winner. The Irish would really go for that.

The Great British Public in don’t want to elect clueless socialist Jeremy Corbyn shocker. Who wuda thought it eh? In other news, a lad who has never worked a day in his life, based in oireland, is blaming this on tommy wobinson n putin or something something.

I don’t see what someone’s employment status has to do with forming an opinion. Youre a bar man, it’s not exactly rocket surgery.


A lovely phrase which I’ll use from now on.

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That was a stupid move by Corbyn. He has enough shit to deal with in his own party and now he’s letting himself get dragged into more mud slinging that he should stay away from

Leave his addiction to chocolate and associated weight problem out of this

He’s a victim

Labour’s plan for a national broadband network is the most comprehensive and cost effective plan

Says who?

The report the Tories themsleves commissioned and published

'Tis mad the way right-wing simpletons have responded with “COMMUNISM” because they literally can;t think of anything else

I guess the NHS, the road network, water infrastructure, libraries etc. are all communist too

In fact to take that “logic” to its appropriate conclusion, literally any government intervention at all is communist

It’s alright, they’re only students, they don’t vote Tory

So you shouldn’t call out the Tories for appealing to fascist scum like Yaxley-Lennon?

That’s not what I’m saying. Corbyn is letting himself being dragged into a mud slinging battle with trump and Boris and they’ll devour him. He’d be better off letting them hang themselves. Ditto Swinson

Comres poll: conservative 41, Labour 33, Lib Dem 14, Brexit 5.

The Tories are up by as much as 17 in another poll by YouGov and 15 and 14 in a couple of others

Britain is fucked if that’s even close to being correct

A few things though

The ComRes poll with Labour on 33 is the first one that has Labour above 30, and they do seem to be trending up a bit

If that continues, it is possible there could be a sudden significant movement towards them and away from the Lib Dems

It wasn’t until the last two weeks that there began to be real movement in the polls in 2017, at this point in 2017 there were multiple polls with the Tories 20 up

Survation is the one to really look out for as they have a better record than other polling companies over the last few years

Even the final polling spread in 2017 had the Tories 7.6% ahead and the final gap was 2.5%

None of that means the polling companies are making or will make the same mistakes as last time, but it doesn’t mean they won’t either, methodologies appear to be quite different between companies

One poll over the last few days apparently had Labour 1 point ahead on the raw data before being adjusted for weighting which put the Tories 11 points ahead

Turnout is a lot harder to predict this time with it being in December

And the tactical voting element is even more difficult to predict

Two constituency polls in London in Kensington and Wimbledon show the Tories getting in on a split Labour/Lib Dem vote

And there is still a lot of room for Tory screw ups or bad policy, they are going late with their manifesto, as the day nears, the bread and butter issues will have taken over from Brexit

I hope your right Sid the prospect of a Tory majority government is chilling

The Prime Minister is galloping to a crushing win, possibly a landslide. The much vaunted Lib Dem surge predictably enough is nowhere to be seen.

He wont get a majority. Anything less is a crushing defeat

I’m not optimistic that a similar swing to last time will happen, I think enough of the British public are too far down the rabbit hole to stop the Tories, Johnson is a shameless and unshameable figure whereas May wasn’t

I very much hope I’m wrong

One thing I think is nonsense though is the notion of Johnson being a good campaigner

He and the Tories have had a shocker so far

It’s just the years of constant brainwashing from the right wing media and their consistent focussing on irrelevances rather than real stories

It’s Orwellian

Still a long way to go yet. Events dear boy.

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