UK general election 2019 - corbinned

Brendan O’Neill was on with Dunphy This week and said that Boris is a social misfit due to his upbringing and is a rubbish campaigner whereas Jel is the opposite.

Brendan O’Neill is an odious cunt

He’s a strange one.

He’s cut fromt he same cloth as yer one Claire Fox who thinks child porn should be legalised

Former member of the Revolutionary Communist Party turned arch “libertarian”

Spiked Online is/was funded by the Koch brother/s

He’s a lobbyist, not a journalist

This isn’t new in that it has been known about for a good while

But it highlights the total failure of the British press that Johnson isn’t pressed on it every time he goes near a journalist

There really is no such thing as a former KGB agent

Johnson dumped “the Gremlin” and and shacked up with the Kremlin instead

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I just finished watching an episode of The Crown. The plot was based around the suspicion that the newly elected Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, was a Russian spy. Turned out to be a load of bollix.

Any mention of the royal family containing several nonces in it?

Same here

A bit sad for us all really.

It started out looking like a tory political broadcast and turned 180 by the end

Jezza must be in heaven

I know its the grauniad, but still

The Tories probably would declared him fit to work as the body was being removed

I see the Tories picked a literal Holocaust denier to stand for them in Aberdeen North

An irredeemably anti-Semitic, racist party

Maybe the Jewish Chronicle could do up an oul’ headline

Who won the debate?
Was it even on tonight?


Is this the guy - seems to have been suspended by the party.

How long before the BBC starts broadcasting Holocaust denial on the basis that a minority of people believe the Holocaust is a hoax and therefore these views have to be reflected

I suppose that’s what the Tories are there for

Kuennsberg is beyond a joke

A Tory parliamentary candidate is exposed as a Holocaust denier, while a non-candidate Labour constituency party member quits over a row about candidate selection process

Kuennsberg thinks the local Labour party row is more important than the Holocaust denial of the Tory, she links to the Labour story, not the Tory Holocaust denial one

The UK will have the government its media has campaigned for

And it will be ridden good and hard by it

The Tory candidate for Ashfield has literally called for the setting up of forced labour camps

Tories at it again

Sssssssshhhhhhhhh…the narrative, the narrative, protect the narrative

Not to defend LK but she did actually report it first there. Links can also change in time.

Lots of criticism to be leveled at her but this is a bit ott.