UK general election 2019 - corbinned

Hodges isn’t even “right wing” as described by Sidney. He just is against Corbyn, a mortal sin for many.

You are getting close to the truth.

Only far left Marxists opposed and oppose Nazis.
The Nazis regarded themselves as moderates.
ergo, all moderates are Nazis, or at the very least Nazi enablers.

Glenda Jackson’s young fella

That’s a weird and extremely wrong take

If you were having tea with pritti Patel, you’d want to get to the cakes first.


Johnson has been an utter disgrace so far

He had a question about personal integrity and racism put to him and didn’t even make a token attempt to answer - immediately pivoting to Brexit

Utterly embarrassing

Corbyn stuffed him on the NHS

Johnson is fucking clueless, he speaks out one side of his mouth about the sea border between Britain and NI depending on wwho he’s talking to and the other side for a different audience

He’s talking to the nation tonight and therefore couldn’t answer the question

The Tory Press Office has renamed “factcheckUK” for the duration of the debate

I think somebody mentioned Goebbels on another thread

Corbyn also answered the question on anti-Semitism excellently

Would have been nice if Johnson had bothered to even address the question

Bit tricky when one of your candidates is outed as a Holocaust denier

Corbyn killing him here

Welcome to the big leagues Boris

“The monarchy is beyond reproach” says Johnson


Trump-esque, break the law and commit sexual abuse if you like, and there can be no consequences

Since when did anti semitism become such an issue? I’d imagine there’s a lot of groups in the UK that have it far worse than the jews.

Jew hater

Not so many with so much political reach

Corbyn was solid, Johnson was frighteningly bad, he was disgraceful actually

He’d be more suited to panto than to politics, a child

The Grover in full panic mode here

I wonder how many lines of coke he had to snort before this interview

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Quality from Alastair Campbell in fairness, a clear dig at the Tory Press Office changing the name of their Twitter account

The jews wouldnt even exist if it wasnt for Winston Churchill and the Tories.

Liam Neeson played his part too in fairness