UK general election 2019 - corbinned

The UK didn’t have a Tory government during World War II, it had a national government which very much included Labour under Clement Attlee

The Tories appeased the Nazis under Chamberlain

In fact Tory foreign secretary Lord Halifax wanted to come to terms with the Nazis in 1940

I suspect it’ll have minimal impact in determining voters minds in the end.

Peston desperately trying to spin for Johnson here


I’ll have to post my jew joke again.

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Hitler and Goebbels walk into a bar and order two pints. The bar man, shocked, asks “Are you Hitler?”
“Yes” he responds. “Goebbels and I were cryogenically frozen after the war and now we are back. This time we are going to take over the world, kill 10 million Jews and 2 postmen”
The barman is reeling, he stammers “w’wwwhy 2 postmen?”
Hitler turns around excitedly “See Goebbels, I vos right! They still don’t give a fuck about the jews”


Is this anti-Semitism in your view @anon7035031?

Is it the Russians that hacked your mans twitter?

You’ll have to forward me the address of @TreatyStones’ Twitter for the answer to that

You’d have been coming up with all sorts of conspiracy theories about Putin and the boys if it was a labour man hacked

Wait a minute, I need to check with my WOKE in GALWAY’ wassap group before giving this one a like

Careful there you might offend some postmen in the group

Generally, sorry, exclusively, the Russians hack people and things they are against, so if such happened it wouldn’t be an unreasonable to suspect Russia, they are undoubtedly highly active in this election as they are conducting a large scale information war to bring about a siituation they want, which is a Europe of Viktor Orbans which they can control

You won’t find them hacking things like the report on Russian interference

Russia desperately wants a Tory government

Jezza, Jezza, Jezza.

Russia would be pleased with either, so long as Brexit goes through and continues to destabilize things.

The Russians don’t want Corbyn a man who says he won’t fight wars abroad, won’t upgrade the nuclear weapons system etc etc? I’d say they’d be happy enough with it mate.

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I’ll buy this in the coming days:

Shhhhh, don’t talk sense here.

One of the key mistakes people make is that they think Russia “just wants chaos”

Russia doesn’t just want chaos, though that is a plus for them, it wants extreme far right politics to prosper throughout Europe with Russia as its spiritual fatherland

It wants client regimes which do not run on the rule of law to be widespread and blow the European project apart

It already has that in the US and fears what would happen if the US no longer had a client regime

It wants simulacrums of democracies - fake democracies in other words, where the game is rigged

In the UK, the US and elsewhere, it tries to rig the game in the way it wants to secure the outcome it wants

Russia’s foreign policy is based on a thing called the “Eurasia” policy - “from Lisbon to Vladivostok”, with Russia at its centre as the dominant force

A Labour government would hold a second referendum which would likely result in a Remain win so Russia absolutely does not want a Labour government