UK general election 2019 - corbinned

How do you know so much about exactly what put in wants exactly?? :eyes:

Except ignore the bit where Jeremy Corbyn’s foreign policy has been closer aligned with Russian interests than the Wests. You don’t think they wouldn’t want the man who loves to sit back and watch their State propoganda.

It’s common knowledge from reputable open source material

It funds and interferes on behalf of far right fascist parties all over Europe

Russia is a vicious mafia state which has almost unimaginable inequality

The regime is a failure and has to prop itself up by manufacturing threats and portraying itself as a “glorious” world power

Its so called “philosophical” underpinnings are fascist writers like Ivan Ilyin, Alexander Dugin and Alexander Prokhanov

The anti-gay thing in Russia was a way of demonising Europe and the US

It is a nakedly fascist regime which thrives on eternal victimhood and Putin is by a mile the biggest threat to Europe since Hitler, he invaded Ukraine and Georgia on the exact same basis Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia

Paradoxically he has rehabilitated Stalin as a figure of glorification

Its invasions of Ukraine and Georgia were specifically manufactured and carried out to try and stop those countries moving towards the EU

It has been in part of Moldova since the early 1990s for the same reason

Corbyn offers a route to Remain and therefore the Russians absolutely want him to lose

There is no debate about that, it’s fact

Seumas Milne is a toxic influence in terms of foreign policy in Labour which I have stated before

But that’s dwarfed by the Russian interests in the Tories

Brexit is the key thing as far as Russia is concerned

They want the EU gone, international co-operation destroyed and a return to a “great” era of imperialism

They are an imperial power at heart above all else

Putin is a white Russian. He wants to restore Russian power and influence by any means necessary. They deeply resent their decline in influence since the end of the Cold War.

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I didn’t watch the debate but based on the clips I’ve seen since, Jel won it.

Smart to use the NHS as the stick to beat Boris with. Inspite of what @Sidney thinks Jezza is not strong when fighting on Brexit.

Yougov poll gave it to BoJo according to Newsnight just now.

Johnson is a liability. Jezza was always going to beat him, the only question is does it matter to people who were voting for Johnson. Presumably everyone voting for him already knew what he is like and stands for

It depends whether you think shoooting your mouth off with vapid, empty cliches portrays strength or not

That’s what the Tories and Liberal Democrats do

Letting the people decide between as sensible a Brexit deal as possible and Remain is the only sensible solution

There is no such thing as “Get Brexit Done”, it is the most vapid and Orwellian cliche ever invented

If Johnson gets his deal through, it’s only the beginning of a long and painful road for the UK which will inevitably lead to economic decline and its break up

Exactly. Still three weeks out.

I don’t see a similar swing to 2017 happening this time

Johnson is a teflon spoofer who appeals to dunderheads who aren’t just open to brainwashing, they actively want to be brainwashed

Best that can be hoped for is for a serious focus on tactical voting

At this point I think it’s 80% likely he’ll get a majority

Johnson won thst fairly easily.

Gobshite - it’s constant soft soaping bollocks like this, holding toxic far right disruptors not so much up to lower standards, but no standards at all, and painting them as “characters”, that has enabled the rise of the far right

I was watching a thing on the BBC yesterday, David Dimbleby interviewing people in Merthyr Tidfyl in a county of England called Wales.
The general consensus was:

  • we want our country back
  • get on with it
  • at least with Boris you know what you getting, he’s not hiding anything
  • well yes he’s lied and yes, he lies. But that just shows he’s human / one of us. But we trust him.

He’s going to win this election in a canter. The EU should do absolutely everything possible to eject the UK as soon as possible. Having these fools out of the club will only make it stronger.


I’ve seen interviews with a load of Brits who think he’s some sort of Churchillian figure, flawed but the man Britain needs in their moment of crisis.
They deserve what they get

They deserve what they vote for in this case.

I was thinking yesterday about the taxi driver who took us on a tour of Derry last year. Terrific bloke, added an hour on at no extra cost and took me up to see Martin’s grave. Met him a pub after and had a long conversation. He felt hopelessness then, just a pawn in a game being played in Westminster. I’d say the despair in Derry at the moment is palpable.

It’ll be a rough few years but the timetable for reunification will be brought forward rapidly if there is a brexit

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The Russian philosphy is “we’re lying, you know we’re lying, we know you know we’re lying, you know we know you know we’re lying, therefore all this lying is transparent, and therefore honest and trustworthy - which makes our opponents the real liars”

ie. “in a world and a political environment which is confusing and which we have deliberately manufactured into something even more deeply confusing, the only people you can trust are the blatant and shameless liars - us”

It’s the exact same approach the Tories take

The fake Twitter fact check account is classic Russia

Dominic Cummings didn’t lick any of this off the ground, he spent three years in Russia

He considers himself a “political technologist”, which is what the Russian Goebbels Vladislav Surkov likes to call himself too

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