UK general election 2019 - corbinned

Treating the public and factuality with such contempt is how democracies die

The Tories have stopped pretending they have any regard for truth whstsoever and now operate a Russia-Trump-style system of propaganda

The reason @anon7035031 suddenly claims to like the Liberal Democrats suddenly makes sense

It’s the nukes, stupid

As hell and he’s not gonna take it anymore.

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Crikey it really is 1983 all over again in the Labour Party.


The predictable flowchart of responses to any feedback around the flow of digital diarrhea would be quite humourous in a corporate environment.

Manager: Glad to see you’re settling into the role. Little bit of constructive feedback to your first submission. Mostly good if a little longer than required. Can you shorten everything between the 2nd and 34th paragraph? Make them a bit more concise. That would be great, thanks.
Sidney: Does my writing irk you?
Manager: It doesn’t irk me and if it did that wouldn’t be a good thing for you. Anyway, just tighten them up a little please.
Sidney: It’s so satisfying that my work bugs you so much. You couldn’t help yourself, you had to pipe up about it.
Manager: Um, are you ok?
Sidney: THIS IS AMAZING! I now own part of your tiny little brain.
Manager: O…K… I’m going to schedule a meeting with HR for tomorrow. Your attendance is mandatory. [Walks off]
Sidney: [whispers] I’m getting promoted!


If you’re not able to post anything insightful about the actual issues, and clearly that is the case, you’ve had enough chances here now and produced reams of low quality, pointless posts, why are you bothering to post here at all?

You’re not providing any insight, you’re not providing any humour, you aren’t providing anything except exceedingly cliched and turgid emptiness

But sure maybe a few smilies will deflect from your lack of anything insightful to say

Did someone say “digital diarrhoea”?

Because that there is a classic of the genre


Well it’s not a joke, because this is the same tired out joke of a policy that the left pushed in the 80s. One that made Labour unelectable.

This is the 2016 US election and US Supreme Court appointee hearing from 2018 all over again.

You’re the joke, pal, but you haven’t copped that yet

For somebody with so much to say, you have a curious way of saying absolutely nothing of interest

I believe it’s now called “digital diarrhoea”

We’re at the “I know you are but what am I stage” for Sid. Get some fresh air.

We know what you are - an exceedingly boring, unfunny, uninsightful empty vessel with serious projection issues

You didn’t have to ask

Would be nice

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Oh my that would be great. I despise the thumb headed coam

That would be quite hilarious

It sure would.

Holy fuck, obviously I didn’t read that.

I think you should take up painting Sid. In the Belle Epoque in Paris people made incredible art. Today they make very long posts on TFK and don’t care if anyone reads them or not.

You could admit to a murder in the middle of that post and no one would ever know.


Nobody except Labane of course.


One for the oul birds thread? :eyes:

Somebody has to look after your interests pal.