UK general election 2019 - corbinned

Boris is out of touch with the common, eh, woman


Corbyn is now apparently anti-Semitic because he pronounced Epstein as Ep-shtine, not Epsteen :grin:

Yes, there are people seriously arguing this

Lucky for them they aren’t Irish

At the age of 3 Corbyn apparantly played notorious non jew, baby Jesus in the nativity school play, questions need to be asked here

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He was being a blasphemous, anti-Semitic paedophilist

What the Dickens

Corbyn is now an anti-Semite because he referred to A Christmas Carol!

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It was quite notable in the debate yesterday Corbyn was wearing metal plated gentile spectacles and not the plastic ortodox kind favored by most Hasidists. There needs to be some questions asked about this

Corbyn has travelled on the Eurostar between London and Paris

London and Paris are the two cities referred to in the title of the anti-Semitic writer Charles Dickens’ novel “A Tale Of Two Cities”

By travelling on that Eurostar train, Corbyn was commiting egregious anti-Semitism

An employment status matters because it’s hard to put much stock in the opinion of anyone who hasn’t worked a day in their lives and therefore doesn’t really comprehend the struggles of a working man, let alone greater implications of taxation, economics and social equity/fairness. As you’re a useless cunt yourself, living off someone elses wealth, I wouldn’t expect you to understand that. I’m not a barman but nothing wrong with that noble trade in the slightest.

There’s fuck all wrong with being a bar man, but dont be coming on here all high and mighty when all you do is open bottle tops for yanks.

I’ll come on here destroying your nonesense whenever I please, pal.

Let me know when you manage it.

Another great point. Go back to bed you dimwit.

You came in like a wrecking ball – and were sent home with your tae in a mug… Look at the state of you - you’re an embarrassment.

How so? The best you could muster was, you’re a barman. Jaysis, what a cutting retort. No actual rebuttal but sure what’s to be expected. Stick to your dull nfl observations, you’re good at those.

Lolzers … it’s no different to you making up lies about me or anyone else here you stupid fucker - go away and get a grip of yourself you complete moron.

Swinson getting savaged in the papers.

They’re in meltdown. The preachy tax raising party of the self righteous. I’d vote labour before I’d vote Lib/Dem.

Would you vote labour before you’d vote tory though?


West/south east Brit.