UK general election 2019 - corbinned

Looks like @balbec and his minions aren’t the ones who go hiding when it suits them

Magic Grandpa has pulled out of a debate . Is that what you’re referring to?

This new poll is hard to believe. That sort of majority and Johnson can do what he wants. Should be the end of Corbyn and the Lib Dems should just give up.

No mention of the DUP or any forecast for up north, I guess they will all be irrelevant once the results come in.

Very civilised climate debate there on C4 - that’s what can happen when you have five adults in the room without two hysterical children in tow

How democracy dies

Creeping totalitarianism

They’re never joking about this sort of stuff

Gotta hand it to them, the tories are absolutely killing it in the shithousery stakes at the moment.

Democracy is at stake.

I don’t agree with all of this especially the “let them flee” part, but it is very interesting to see an Israeli Jewish writer use such words without compunction

Jewish opinion is not singular, which a lot of people on the right mistakenly seem to think - that’s a pretty infantile view

The Contract on Corbyn

Corbyn is not an anti-Semite. His real sin is to fight against injustice in the world, including the version Israel perpetrates

Gideon Levy


The Jewish establishment in Britain and the Israeli propaganda machine have taken out a contract on the leader of the British Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn. The contract was taken out a long time ago, and it was clear that the closer Corbyn came to being elected prime minister, the harsher the conflict would get.

On Tuesday it reached its climax in an article by the chief rabbi of Britain, Ephraim Mirvis, in an article in The Times. Mirvis has decided that the anxiety of British Jews over Corbyn is justified and he is not fit to be prime minister. He called on Jews not to vote for Labour in the election on December 12.

Born in South Africa and a graduate of Har Etzion Yeshiva in the settlement of Alon Shvut, Mirvis is the voice of British Jewry. In Capetown, Johannesburg and Har Etzion, he should have learned what apartheid was and why one should fight it. His parents did so, but one doubts that he learned the moral lesson from the regions of disenfranchisement in which he lived in South Africa and the West Bank.

As opposed to the horrid Corbyn, Mirvis sees nothing wrong with the continued occupation; he does not identify with the struggle for Palestinian freedom, and he doesn’t sense the similarity between the South Africa of his childhood, Har Etzion of his youth and Israel of 2019. That is the real reason that he rejects Corbyn. The Jews of Britain also want a prime minister who supports Israel – that is, supports the occupation. A prime minister who is critical of Israel is to them an exemplar of the new anti-Semitism.

Corbyn is not an anti-Semite. He never was. His real sin is his staunch position against injustice in the world, including the version Israel perpetrates. Today this is anti-Semitism. The Hungarian Viktor Orban, the Austrian Freedom Party and the extreme right in Europe are not the danger to Jews. Corbyn is the enemy. The new and efficient strategy of Israel and the Zionist establishment brands every seeker of justice as an anti-Semite, and any criticism of Israel as hatred of Jews. Corbyn is a victim of this strategy, which threatens to paralyze and silence Europe with regard to Israel.

British Jewry might not be faking its anxiety, but it is certainly magnifying the danger. There is anti-Semitism, though less that what is presented, certainly on the left. About half of British Jews are considering fleeing if Corbyn is elected. Let them flee. The survey that showed this could actually encourage anti-Semitism: Are the Jews of Britain conditionally British? To whom is their loyalty?

The future of all British Jews is much more secure than the future of any Palestinian living under the occupation, and even more secure than that of any Arab living in Israel. Jews are persecuted and are victims of discrimination and racism less so than the Palestinians in the Israel they hold dear. Moreover, Islamophobia in Europe is more common than anti-Semitism, but people talk about it less.

Mirvis presents no evidence of Corbyn’s anti-Semitism. It sufficed for him to note the fact that Corbyn described as “friends” those who “endorse the murder of Jews” – a reference to Corbyn’s comments on Hezbollah and Hamas. Corbyn is indeed a very harsh critic of the occupation, supports the boycott and compares the closure of Gaza with the siege of Stalingrad and Leningrad. These are anti-Israeli positions, but not necessarily anti-Semitic. The Jews of Britain are blurring this difference as are many Jews throughout the world, intentionally. One can (and should) be a harsh critic of Israel without being anti-Semitic.

If the Jews of Britain and their chief rabbi were more honest and courageous, they would ask themselves: Isn’t Israel’s brutal occupation policy the strongest motive for anti-Semitism today? There is anti-Semitism, it must be fought, but it must also be recognized that Israel supplies it an abundance of excuses and motives.

The Jews and Israel’s true friends should hope that Corbyn is elected. He is a statesman who can change international discourse about the occupation and the struggle against it. He is a ray of hope for a different world and a different Israel – and what more could we want.

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“Tonight, Matthew, I’m going to be Peter Odemwingie on Transfer Deadline Day”

TASS wouldn’t have produced something as good as that😩

Just as well Philip Collins of The Times didn’t say the “The Jewish Question”, he’d have been destroyed for it

Oh wait, Jordan Peterson said those exact words and nobody in the media said anything because the rule is that right-wing reactionaries get away with that sort of language

And unveiling statues to anti-Semites

Johnson hates the guts of ordinary people

Not surprising considering his comments about Hillsborough and Bloody Sunday

That might all be true but why did he make such a piss poor fist of defending his record in that interview recently? He probably fucked away the election right there. (I didn’t watch the interview I just read responses to it)

The point of Neil’s interview style is to shout and hector and bully and make you lose your train of thought

I watched the anti-Semitism bit back and thought it was taken well out of context by the media, surprise surprise

Neil asked him would he apologise for the Jewish community not trusting him

The question didn’t even make sense

But that’s not how it was reported

Corbyn had the respect for the public to do the interview

Johnson is hiding away and will only take questions from “friendly” journalists

It’s pathetic

He genuinely believes he is born to rule

Without paying close attention to it, this interview was his one shot to address and dispel all the anti semitism stuff and he failed to do that. It should have been as that shot, it should have been the whole goal of the interview and carefully prepared for. It would have given loads of people wavering or unsure the confidence to row in. Instead there was a collective sigh and resignation that he either doesn’t care to or is unable to counter all the bullshit, and with it went labour’s chances.


That is exactly what was needed if he wanted to win an election and save the country from what the Tories have lined up, but sadly of more importance to Corbyn is appealing to the lunatics who follow him around cheering his name. To them he is infallible and so could never have anything to apologise for. @Sidney suggesting that Neil was asking him to apologise for Jews not trusting Corbyn is a great example of the problem. There is also the fact that Corbyn is clearly both lazy and stupid, which means he had neither prepared for the interview, nor the wit to take the open goal Neil was presenting him with.


I read somewhere that Boris is looking at a 68 seat majority if the polls are correct

That, I presume, is better for Ireland than a narrow Tory majority and them needing the DUP to prop them up again? It would presumably mean the withdrawal agreement goes through in January and that the threat of a customs border is removed?

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