UK general election 2019 - corbinned

That’s true, the Tories united Ireland policy is possibly the one advantage they have over their labour opposition.

Corbyn can be well prepared when he wants to be. His speeches are generally very good and he communicates his policies well. He also will be well prepared to throw out his Qs for PMQs, even when they are mostly irrelevant to the hot issue of the day.

He will not prepare well for issues he doesn’t care about, ones that are intellectually challenging or ones where he sees his moral virtues as infallible, i.e. anti Semitism.

He has always been a terrible interview. When challenged he comes across as passive aggressive and smug. He gets punished for that unlike Johnson does for being a disingenuous liar with no vision. That’s unfortunate but that’s the way it goes.

I always said whatever about his policies that he was a terrible leader and bad at politics. His devotees seem to be like indie cult film fans in how they view him versus the masses. John McDonnell was always far smarter and better at politics. The hard left have taken over the mechanics of the party so it will be their person next time again. Even though I think the majority of the close Corbyn MPs are just as bad as Corbyn, even if there was one who was competent they might not even go for that person. They have seemingly decided to go for headcount politics the next time out talking about how it has to be a woman.

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Labour should be ashamed of themselves. They can crow about the media witch hunt all they want.

They have a Leader front & centre who the public inherently dislike. They can whinge & moan all they want but the public dislike him and thus the Party.

You have a crush on Boris then? Just for you

He was

You either believe in facts or you don’t

The Labour party does not have an anti-Semitism crisis and that is a fact

It has a perceived anti-Semitism crisis because there is a concerted smear campaign by the right, who completely ignore anti-Semitism from all other sources

Yesterday Theresa May unveiled a statue to a Nazi-sympathising anti-Semite, Johnson continually commissioned anti-Semitic propaganda as editor of The Spectator and has never apologised for his racism and other bigotry

That’s neither mentioned here or in the media

Jo Swinson’s Liberal Democrats seem to be tanking in the polls

There were posters here giving it big licks telling us how they were going to ride a wave of support in this election

Seems now that their policies aren’t very popular and are inspiring people about as much as a Joe Schmidt team talk inspires Ireland before a World Cup quarter-final

I guess those posters got it wrong

Neil asked him directly if he would like to apologise to the British Jewish community for what’s happened and he didn’t. Neil again gave him the chance to apologise for how he handled things and he again refused, pleading with Neil to let him explain what the party are trying to do. It was hopeless stuff and completely braindead. I don’t think Corbyn is antisemitic at all, but he is dangerously stupid and stubborn.

Neil shouted four times at him “Apologise” as Corbyn was trying to make a point in response to Neil’s question which I stated above

Lads like you think that equals “four times Corbyn refused to apologise for anti-Semitism”

It doesn’t

Corbyn didn’t have a great evening but what was widely reported was not what actually happened

What has happened is a concerted smear campaign

The hystericism has reached a crescendo level, there is zero honesty in the UK media about any of this, which is why you get Corbyn being accused of being an anti-Semite for referring to Dickens and pronouncing the surname of a paedophile in a particular way

Meanwhile widespread anti-Semitism in the Tories continues completely unchecked and unreported

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And what great points he was making, including the very memorable response of “I don’t want anyone to go through what anyone has gone through”. It was hopeless shit and you here claiming Neil asked him to apologise for Jews not trusting him is as pitiful as the defence genuine racists on the far right offer up for Johnsons nonsense.
Corbyn will most likely be gone as leader of the Labour Party within a few months - he has incredibly achieved less in his efforts to deliver social justice in his 4 years as leader, including 2 General elections and a referendum that will shape the future of the UK for generations, than he did in his 32 years as a backbencher.


I stated what happened

Corbyn is an avowedly anti-racist politician both in word and more importantly in deed and always has been

That includes all forms of racism including anti-Semitism

Labour’s credentials as the only major anti-racist party in this election are clear - no other party has produced a race and faith manifesto

It is not Labour’s fault that England is in the grip of a right-wing nationalist frenzy

Corbyn cancelled Brexit. I’d say thats a fair old achievment

He only delayed it. And the delay wasn’t driven by him.

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If it wasn’t for Corby Brexit would have happened years ago. His astute statesmanship throughout the crisis has led us to where we are today. Staring a united Ireland in the face. Jezza is alright in any right thinking persons book

The Scum is trying to bribe NHS workers to criticise Labour’s plans for the NHS.

The day the Scum goes the same way as the News Of the World will be a great day.

You’d think they’d offer a bit more than a £100 to sell your soul

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Not at all, pal.

The Labour Party have given the wanker an open goal.

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Oh dear

Looks like the Tories just cost two innocent people their lives

Labour Labour Labour

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Not surprised at this

That’s just the torygraph rallying the troops.
It’s still an absolute indictment of Corbyn’s Labour that even with all the other parties added together, they are short of denying quite possibly the most overtly stupid and odious front bench ever to be in government in the UK a majority, but judge this poll a triumph.