UK general election 2019 - corbinned

Been saying it from the start. All to play for.

No offence, but if there was ever really a moment when the Brits would have looked at BJ and given him a 60 seat majority then I sever all ties and I don’t give a fuck what happens to them. My only hope for this election is that it doesn’t put the DUP is a position of influence.

You’re ploughing a lonely furrow out there. Good luck.

Absolute joke

Marr is a lightweight

The BBC have disgraced themselves in this election

The tories were behind the knife attack. It’s obvious.

I don’t quite get your point mate. What furrow am I ploughing??

The “sane man in England” furrow.


“ Anyone who doesn’t know they need a longer shirt is an idiot. “


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I vote for Molly

Give that woman the $500

Labour Labour Labour

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Jezza is surging, wonder what the next rabbi out out of the hat will be from the tories as they become inreasingly desperate

One of the best things about that poll is that Labour still have 5% of Green vote to squeeze

Plenty to still be squeezed out of the Lib Dems too in places where they have no hope

And the Tories are suddenly showing signs of actually losing a significant chunk of vote

Tactical voting, tactical voting, tactical voting is crucial

Well the rabbi ploy has backfired. Yes it caused a few ripples but people aren’t stupid, they can see it for the calculated political stroke it clearly was. The rabbi is up to his neck in it with the tories, that much is obvious. What really registered with the average voter this week was the lack of conviction and moral cowardise exemplified by Boris in running from Andrew Neil when all the other candidates at least had the balls to do the interview. That certainly hasn’t gone unnoticed

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Be interesting to see how the terror attack plays out. Point scoring on this issue is risky business but the facts are the tories let a convicted Al Queda terrorist walk out of prison scot free to kill again on their watch. The party of law and order indeed

The Tories are the ones who tried to score points

They spread a fake tweet supposedly by Corbyn and have been trying to make Laura Kuennsberg’s fake story about Corbyn after the Paris massacre in November 2015 go viral

This was the one Kuennsberg got done for by the BBC for lack of impartiality and because it was inaccurate

Then it turns out they screwed up in a major way and they squeal like babies when their feet are held to the fire over it


Corbyn will probably go to his funeral

Trouble in Tory paradise - they’re turning against each other

It’s some slap in the face for Marr. :smile:

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Johnson refused money to deradicalise terrorists

He was able to give Jennifer Arcuri £126,000 though