UK general election 2019 - corbinned

Nice gender balance there

Not many of them will be English.





Be careful, England’s gone very anti-Irish, you’ll be called a Paddy, you might get attacked. It’s like the 1980s again.

Dunno what he’s getting all worked up about. Poland was like the stag slut back in those days, everyone had a go, it was just expected

You’ve gotten a job delivering beer kegs to licensed lodging houses then or are you possibly becoming a regional manager in that general field?
Perhaps I’m miles out but it could fit…

I’m here with a lad I used to work with in London and they are calling him spuds. Should I be offended?

He’s taking over the Swindon branch

Yes you should storm out but be careful.

Wise words from Lord John, we’ll make a Provo of him yet

The chlorinated chicken is chickening out AGAIN

And Julie Etchingham is hardly Paxman

He’ll do interviews where this sort of stuff happens though

Who wrote it? I’ll tell you who wrote it, Boris Johnson wrote it, he’s the guy that ditched his wife to run off with a young one

Hates the Jews

Andrew Neil has called out the chlorinated chicken

Stand up to President Trump, President Putin, President Xi??
Eh no, Boris hasn’t a notion of doing any of those things

How can he stand up to Trump and Putin when he can’t take half an hour of Andrew Neil?

The guy is a charlatan and a fraud

He only does interviews with hand picked, friendly “journalists” like Going Live and CBBC’s Philip Schofield and CBBC’s Holly Willoughby

I hear he’s doing a 20 minute slot with Gordon the Gopher tomorrow

Labour shills getting more and more desperate. Even The New Statesman won’t back Labour.

What’s really desperate is the situation the Tories and the Tory media have left Britain in and the even more desperate situation they will leave it in should they get in again

What’s really desperate is the situation millions of families will face as a result of continued Tory rule

Child mortality up, half a million children thrown into poverty in the last five years, a further million children projected to be thrown into poverty by 2023

Very sly by that fat tory fucker Andrew Neil. Essentially giving Johnson the questions days before he’s inevitably shamed into the interview, but dressing it up as calling him out and listing the things he needs to answer to.