UK general election 2019 - corbinned

Johnson absolutely won’t do the interview

He’s pulled out of the ITV equivalent as well

Johnson operates the exact same media strategy as Trump, who got it from Putin

Was Putin on The Apprentice?

Trump is certainly his apprentice anyway

And Johnson is Trump’s

I thought that but he grilled him before.


Further evidence that Corbyn fans are simpletons, like himself.

In fairness it’s a fairly common human trait to be unable to process, let alone admit, being wrong, even when confronted with irrefutable evidence. The reactions in the video are priceless, total denial.

And the King of denial when presented with irrefutable evidence speaks

The only thing he’s better at is believing conspiracy theories

You’re literally on record on this thread saying the exact opposite to the title of that video, mate :smile:

There is a racist leading one of the main parties in this election however, a virulent one, and we all know who it is

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Why would Johnson expose himself to an interview like that. Very little upside and potential downside. Not very statesmanlike but sensible politics. The only people who’ll really care are those who most likely won’t vote for him anyway and are hoping to goad him into doing it in the hope he fucks up

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As right-wingers have an utterly predictable tendency to do, you’re asking the wrong question.

The real question is: why should a Prime Minister be allowed to get away with virtually no scrutiny amid a feverishly biased media environment? Because that’s what we’re dealing with here and right-wing posters here seem just fine with that. That seriously calls into question their commitment to democracy.

The reason a Prime Minister should do such interviews is because Britain is supposed to be a democracy and it should be expected of him. In a world where objective truths matter, a candidate for Prime Minister should be expected to face scrutiny and be absolutely destroyed in the media if he doesn’t.

Johnson knows full well that will not be the case because the UK media is an industrial bullshit industry which has firmly hitched its wagon to the Tories and will stop at nothing to ensure coverage is favourable to them and viciously anti-Labour. Scrutiny is Johnson’s enemy, but the press isn’t committed to scrutinising him. They’re absolutely content to let the Tory spin machine dictate the narrative.

The Tory media as a whole has gone full on for the Russian model where objective truths no longer matter. The tabloids were always doing it but the so called broadsheets and public service broadcaster are playing along now too. The US right-wing media got there decades ago.

The Loughborough statistics thoroughly bear that out.

If Corbyn and Swinson were gullible enough to allow themselves be interviewed by Neil before Boris agreed to it that’s their problem.

I didn’t call him a racist, Corbyn super fans did. :man_shrugging:t2:

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Right, so you didn’t call him a racist and indeed have said earlier on this thread that he isn’t.

Grand, so.

At least we know your view.

Might be interesting to get your view on the actual racist leading a major party in this election.

It really is amazing how right-wingers have an unfailing reflex to go and defend a rght-winger who is plainly a charlatan

Team, team, team

Jo Swinson knew full well that Johnson wasn’t doing the interview but did it anyway

Herself Corbyn, and Sturgeon are willing to subject themselves to scrutiny because they are serious democratic politicians and adults, not aspiring emperors like Johnson

I just posted a video, why you mad?

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Dominic Cummings can count on the likes of @Tim_Riggins to do his dirty work

Supporter of open, transparent democracy speaks.

The faux concern for democracy by the hard left :joy::joy:

Democracy doesn’t just suffer when the hard left gets to power, it disappears. The British public do not trust Corbyn and McDonnell as they were open supporters of every communist regime in history, including the wonderful success stories in the USSR, Cuba and Venezuela.

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