UK general election 2019 - corbinned

You’re a bit old for the student union.

Easy on the labelling here.

You’re ranting about scrutiny. He’s up for the highest form of scrutiny - an election. The fact that he’s dodging interviews should count against him in that but he’s made the judgment that the impact will be minimal. You may dislike it but that’s democracy.

The hard left love democracy. They accepted the vote on Brexit without a whinge and just got on with it

The hard left were largely pro Brexit

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I only know about the TFK hard left. I don’t care about actual politics

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Being open and transparent is childish now? Or maybe you’re a bit too young to have become a right wing nut job.

Democracy is an eco-system, mate. If you’re to believe your version, Vladimir Putin can nominally call himself a democrat because Russia has elections - never mind the fact that they’re rigged and the media landscape in Russia amounts to little more than all out propaganda.

Democracy means putting yourself out there in front of the public to defend your policies and your record like others do - and be scrutinised heavily - not hiding away like a petrified child.

I don’t find it all surprising that a total charlatan like Johnson would try to avoid scrutiny.

I do find it very saddening and indeed shameful that there are so many that try to defend that hiding. Thin end of the wedge and all that.

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Grenfell victims “lacked common sense”, forced labour camps, Holocaust denial, now this, the Tories really are outdoing themselves with the sadism in this campaign

Sally Ann Hart must be the most inappropriately named candidate in this election


He’s trying to sell them a porkie pie

Straight outta Trumpton

I’m not defending Boris at all - I absolutely agree that prospective leaders of any country should be subjected to the highest public scrutiny, ideally in a format that forces them to think and explain in depth rather that cough up pre-canned lines.

However, get down off your moral high ground there. The real reason you want Boris to do the interview is not some high-minded sense of protecting democracy. You feel that it’s one of the few “game-changer” ways that Labour could close the gap. That’s fair enough but spare us the faux-outrage.

You absolutely are defending him

There is no legitimate defence one can put up for a Prime Minister who refuses to subject himself to scrutiny on the national broadcaster

Do you think I’d have defended Corbyn if he’d refused to be interviewed?

Sure keep on trying to twist reality, it’s hardly surprising from somebody who supports Fine Gael who have been dipping their own toes into the water as regards creation of an alternative reality

Throwing in phrases like “moral high ground” and “faux outrage” in a sarcastic manner as an attempt at delegitimisation of argument is classic right-wing lowest common denominator stuff, and thus you’re only proving my point about your debating techniques and how right-wingers have an automatic reflex action to defend the indefensible from their “team”

But now that you mention it, any Prime Minister does actually have a moral obligation to subject themselves to proper scrutiny, not hide away and only come out to take selfies with former CBBC presenters

The Tory party has no morals though, like with the Republican party in the US which is a total moral cesspit, any decent conservative with morals has left it, and only the crakpots, sadists, reactionaries, disinformation merchants and supine greasy pole climbers remain, there are no Ken Clarkes or Michael Heseltines or even Anna Soubrys or Rory Stewarts in the Tory party now


@tallback and @Tim_Riggins have subverted British democracy here and @Sidney can’t stop them :rofl:

By God he’ll try though.

He’s taking it personally

And you certainly can’t stop yourself making pointless posts because you have zero to say on any topic

The classic empty vessel

There’s people wrong on the internet, this must be corrected.

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I wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing that there’s people in an election I don’t have a vote in, in a country I don’t live in; aren’t playing by the rules I deem appropriate


You do come across as somebody who doesn’t get a lot of sleep given that there is precious little evidence of a thought process in any of your posts