UK general election 2019 - corbinned

He’s a fantastic campaigner. He’s really connecting with people all over the UK.

Yes. With overly-long posts that referenced Republicans, Putin and the hard-right.

I was under the impression he was hated everywhere he goes, but it seems this may not be the case.

He’s cheating though. It’s not fair to @Sidney

And the alternative reality is wheeled out again when you’re stumped

A bit like Johnson actually

But sure thanks for proving my point about you

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They are very concerned not to have a Theresa May style meltdown late in the campaign. The more visible she was the less of a Prime Minister she looked. They sent JRM back to Somerset pretty sharpish after the Grenfell comments.

Elected mayor of London twice. A labour city. The people hate him sure.

You’re windmilling all over the place now. It’s unbecoming.

My original point stands. That doesn’t make me a Boris apologist - it’s just an attempt to explain the reality of elections to you. You seem to take quite the interest in politics so I’m surprised that this has befuddled you.

Thats astonishing. There must have been some sort of interference. I imagine it was Putin.

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Absolutely. And Boris is a liability in an interview/live mike situation It seems he came out with an appalling clanger today about immigration as an example. It’s just smart media management/politics from Tory HQ really. I’d say after the Andrew Neil interview with Corbyn if they had a choice again, and knew Boris was going to duck it, they’d sidestep it too.

You actually both agree with each other.


Yeah, go figure

This was before we realised how all-controlling Vladimir is. @Sidney dropped the ball there, big-time.

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Using the langauage of Prince Andrew now, how interesting

At least own your defending of the charalatan rather than trying to weasel out of it when you’re pulled up on it

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This one?

"Channel 4 uploaded a video, where the subtitles quoted the Prime Minister saying he wanted control over the migration of “people of colour”.

Subtitles attached to the video quoted him as saying: “I am in favour of having people of colour come to this country but I think we should have it democratically controlled.”

The Prime Minister’s team have insisted he was actually saying “people of talent” and Channel 4 have since removed the video and apologised for their “mistake”."

Fake news

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Yeah - hadn’t seen the video, just the reporting on it.

But hey, look over there, former obscure Labour backbencher Ian Austin said vote Tory, so who cares what Major thinks

Politics Home is the media and media outlets are now running with it.

Maybe fact check Momentum members tweets that you pass off as your original thoughts on here first. You don’t want to be accused of fake news.

Not great for them.