UK general election 2019 - corbinned

You need to lay off the spoonfed media for a while, stop morphing into a would be Cummings and start thinking for yourself again

Woah, so now somebody earning 80k is “average”

Talk about being out of touch

You’re doing a fine impression of that guy on Question Time the other week who says he earned over 80k and claimed he was in the bottom 50% of earners :smiley:

@anon7035031 says I am English and a communist, now you say I’m anti-working class

You two really will have to sort your tag teaming tactics out because at the moment they’re a shambles - completely contradictory ad homineming

This is pretty well established stuff since the Thatcher days, pal.

Cummins has gone another few steps beyond that.

Well you said that £80k was loaded and “fuck them”. You then changed and said that only 10% earn over £70k so I assume this holds for your £80k definition.

A couple on the average median wage make a combined £70k. You used vile language before about people earning that sort of money so it seems as though you hate the average Brit family.

Yes, it’s called pork barrel politics and ethno-nationalism

It is very effective in times of economic turmoil and has always been, going right back to the 1930s

Unfortunately it opens up a whole Pandora’s Box of problems for the societies it infects

Beneath you but now you’ve confessed to being a Maggie Thatcher luvvie it’s all adding up

Said the King of ad hominem.

There are three causes of poverty in western societies (which is not poverty in third world or even developing world terms).

  1. Bad luck, you have no choice over what circumstances you are born into. You do however have choice over how you respond to your life circumstances.

  2. Bad choices. Most people who are born into poverty in western societies make their way out of poverty through good choices, such as taking education seriously, not having kids when you are a kid, avoiding substance abuse, getting a job, etc. The smaller percentage who stay in long term poverty is largely due to bad choices.

  3. The third reason and the most pernicious is government policies that enable poverty and encoursge people to make bad choices. A lot of welfare programs do the opposite of what they are intended to do, as they do not encourage or reward good choices, but reward bad choices and trap people into dependency. The focus of welfare should be education and job training, not free stuff for life.

I fully understand you do not, and will never, understand these concepts.

Why are lower income people voting Tory then?

A quick search says you’re the only person on this thread to use the words “fuck them”

What did I “change”

What on earth are you on about

Yes, but we’re talking about individual tax rates

This isn’t the first time you’ve resorted to the apples and oranges tactic because you’re losing the argument

Where did I use vile vanguage about people earning the average wage

Please use quotes, otherwise I’ll have to assume you;re just making up stuff again, that would be a pity

You have consistently vilified poorer people for “poor choices” and consistently taalked about “perosnal responsibility”

My experience tells me that “personal responsibility” as preached by right-wing ideologues is always code for downward class warfare

It’s very much you who despises the average and lower earners, pal

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The votes not till Thursday mate

@Lazarus sneering at poor people for being stupid and voting for the Tories.

Incorrect. You are resorting to baseless personal attacks now just like your hero’s Trump and Bojo

Why will low income people vote Tory on Thursday and result in them gaining a majority?

Hint: It’s the same reason low income people in the US voted for Trump.

Nice crystal ball mate but I’ll play and what more, unlike your beloved tories, I’ll play fair.
The answer to your question is rather simple but clearly still a bit beyond for the like of yourself.
Same as high income, media. Some people are just more open to brain washing than others, income has nothing to do with it but as ever something that the tory shrills like @Tim_Riggins and tusa are besotten with

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I’ve only ever used ad hominems about you because you have always used them, and have a complete intolerance of anybody having the temerity to disagree with you

Only one of us complains about ad hominems, that’s you

Bad luck is a cause

Bad choices can be a cause for people with more opportunities

Bad choices made by the real poor are generally borne out of desperation about life circumstances ie. the opioid crisis in America which was brought about by unregulated capitalism and desperate people

People in desperation tend to drink, smoke because a drink and a cigarette is a tiny island of pleasure in a sea of desperation that either helps to sustain their sanity, or block out the pain temporarily

Poor people tend to eat unhealthier food because it’s cheaper

Poor youth tend to leave school earlier and have poorer prospects of going to third level because they usually need to earn and even a menial job looks more attractive than staying in school because it’s immediate money, they find themselves locked out of third level because they cannot afford it

That’s the reality of living with poverty

People who point to “bad choices” have no understanding of the everyday experiences of living with poverty

The Anglo-American model has completely failed on poverty

The last Labour government lifted millions out of it

Destruction of support for poorer young people and poorer people in general destroys their chances of lifting themselves out of poverty

The right has a litany of complete failure behind it in this regard

10 years of the Tories and there are five million children living in poverty and a further million projected by 2023

Anybody defending right-wing ideology on this is defending a proven failure, it’s just shameless stuff

Watching a YouTube video of Milton Friedman or some Austrian economics crackpot or reading the insanity of Ayn Rand does not make an understanding of anything

Yes, racism

You still can’t bring yourself to admit it

Holy mother of Jesus

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This is literally the Putin/Trump playbook

Invert reality and attempt to create a world free of objective fact

Accuse others of that which you are guilty of

“When wealth is passed off as merit, bad luck is seen as bad character. This is how ideologues justify punishing the sick and the poor. But poverty is neither a crime nor a character flaw. Stigmatise those who let people die, not those who struggle to live.”
Sarah Kendzior, The View From Flyover Country

I can’t believe it. I actually had to read it twice to be sure. A new low for the far right
@anon7035031 is the unpleasant and unacceptable face of capitalism