UK general election 2019 - corbinned

Tories don’t care about poor people, they vilify them

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The polls seem to be fairly consistent across the board this time. Five more years of this Tory government, in this defining period of UK history, is the grim reality facing everyone.

There you go again sneering at the poor, poor things are brain washed and not smart like youself and Sid.

People vote based on their self interest mate. Rich people vote Tory because the Tories look after them, it’s as simple as that.

Low income whether in the UK (or in the US) vote Tory (or Republican), because their perception is that Labour (or Democrats) have lost tocuh with them and their interests and indeed are pursuing interests that disadvantage them. Immigration being the best example. Both Labour and Democrats are now effectively calling for open borders and uncontrolled immigration.

Do you think rich or high earners really give a fuck about the impact of uncontrolled immigration, it doesn’t effect their standard of living or quality of life. It does effect low income though, by suppressing wages of “non professional” jobs and overloading services like the NHS.

Whether you or Sid believe that or not is irrelevant, nor indeed is it relevant how true it is, it is what large numbers of low income people in the UK and the US believe.

Calling them racist is really not the best way to get them onside.

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There you go making my point :joy:

Calling the very people you need to vote for you racist isn’t the best way to get them onside.

How about actually listening to them? or in the case of Hillary actually not calling them deplorables and paying them at least one visit.

It’s one thing to say far right capitalism is the best of a bad mix. But to espouse and glorify it like these lads do is very sad. Says a lot really, they cannot enjoy life unless they know others are suffering

No. Its because Rupert Murdoch and Mark Zuckerberg tell them to via empty vessels like yourself @Tim_Riggins and Boris Johnson

You need to ground yourself and try and find reality mate.

I am a Democrat (a moderate one, not a left wing loon), and if I lived in the UK would be a Liberal Democrat. The problem with Trotskyites like yourself and Sid is you think everyone to the right of you (which is everyone) is a Nazi.

You mention that word when it’s your last defense, You’ll be pulling a rabbi out of your hat any minute a la your hero Boris. Sorry thought you were for real

Right-wingers have always sneered at the concept of education and especially working class education, see your sneering at universities, the Murdoch press’s constant demonisation of intellectualism

Working class education has always been a massive threat to right-wing ideology

The right-wing tabloids and trash media have always been tools to keep poor people uneducated

Continued right-wing rule depends on the working class being poorly educated

I have sympathy for the conned, I have no regard for the con tricksters

Right-wing nationalism and racism is the only tool the right-wingers now have left, because they have completely lost all other arguments

Right-wing nationalism, ie. racism, in a time of economic turmoil has always worked

I mean that’s how Hitler came to power, it’s how Trump came to power, it’s how Putin retains power

Many people do not vote on self-interest - otherwise they would not have voted for Brexit, Trump or any other crackpot right-wing government

In these times, working class people and indeed people of any other class can be manipulated by appealing to hatred of the other - and that’s what Brexit is and what the Tories, like the Republicans in the US, have now become - the party of white anxiety

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Sadism is an integral part of the ideology

Racism and whipping up of hatred against “the other” is a vote winner - that’s why Peter Casey, Noel Grealish and Verona Murphy used it, and why Leo Varadkar dog whistles it

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It’s also why the right wing nutjobs on here love it

Why would I sneer at universities? I’m highly educated to graduate level in subjects that are actually useful, unlike yourself.

I have distain for “intellectual” liberal professors who fill students’ heads with garbage like Marxism, as if it was still the 19th century and people work down coalmines.

If education is a threat to conservatives why did a conservative government in Ireland introduce free education and free transport to get to school?

You are a zealot mate. I’m wasting my time here but that’s OK, most people see through your pseudo intellectual bullshit. Except for Laz who is most likely a wum.

Yes, they genuinely can think of no ther way to raise their own self-esteem except by vilifying the less fortunate in society

In some ways it’s a somewhat natural human reaction to want to think that there are others worse off than you

But one has to be devoid of human empathy to channel it into kicking those less fortunate

The way such people justify such kicking down it is by allowing themselves to be conned that the less fortunate deserve it

Right-wing ideology is little more than a form of confidence tricksterism

All the same techniques that brought about the rise of fascism in the 1930s are being used now by mainstream far right politicians

Putin, Trump, Johnson, Bolsonaro, Netanyahu, Erdogan, Modi, Le Pen, Salvini, Orban, Duterte etc.

The one new thing they have brought is that they confuse and con by flooding the public sphere with fake “information”, propaganda and lies, to try and discredit and/or flood out the real news

In the modern media environment where theere is too much information and people rarely read to the end of articles, where they rarely read beyond headlines even, that’s very easy

Johnson’s campaign this time is a classic example

Goebbels knew that the key to propaganda was short sharp phrases and repetition, repetition, repetition

That’s modern fascist propaganda 101

Right-wing politics is only about protecting the power of the rich and they will stoop to any depth to do it

Roger Stone is the most important figure in the modern Republican party because he is their modern Goebbels - the insanity that has enveloped US right-wing politics all stems from him

Russia are expert at this, which is why Stone, Trump and the Republicans were such a natural fit to partner with them, as are the Tories

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Looks like the lads are settling in for another long night of it. Fascinating to watch


Yet you consistently show no or little evidence of education given that your posts always look they’ve been copied from some crackpot right-wing comment section

You’ve just proved my point utterly about you with your self professed disdain for intellectuals

The Economist magazine has said that Marxism has clearly identified the kernel of the problem with modern Anglo-American and indeed general capitalist economies

You don’t have to agree with Marxism’s solutions but to dismiss Marxism as a theory worth studying or to say it does not correctly identify the problems that are extremely pertinent today is pure idiocy, because it absolutely does identify them

You don’t understand Irish political history

Fianna Fail were always socially conservative but quite progressive in some ways, it was often said that they were the Irish Labour party, I don’t necessarily agree with that assessment but it was a common one of the time

Education was seen as key to building what was then still a relatively new state

Free education though is explicitly against right-wing dogma

We know this because right-wing dogmatists like yourself object to literally every idea to make social goods “free” or public (they’re not or would not be free of course, that’s why we have tax)

I always think you’re wasting your time

You’re certainly wasting everybody else’s time because you inflict nothing except bigoted right-wing dogma on us

I suppose the one bright spot from your posts is that anybody who reads them has a wide ranging blueprint for educating themselves - just think the opposite of what you think, and you’ll generally be right

OK thats it, the gloves are off now mate and still a week before the election
giphy (9)

Great to see you and your hero have the best interests of genuine people at heart fella

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Gas cunts

Did somebody say “sneering”?

Boris Johnson was asked by a journalist for a response to the following story about how a four year old with pneumonia had to sleep on a pile of coats on the floor of a hospital in Leeds, they didn’t even have trolleys

Johnson’s response was to bluster and sneer and steal the phone of the journalist and put it in his pocket so the journalist couldn’t confront Johnson with the photo of the boy in the hospital