UK general election 2019 - corbinned

English fascism in action

Be some meltdown if Boris gets this done.


Reading some of the posts here reminded me of this gem. Their only sense of happiness seems to stem from other people’s misfortune.

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Britain deserves what it gets. All empires fall.

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Last night Survation put the gap at 45-31

ICM have just now put it at 42-36

Something weird is going on again

I have read some interesting Twitter threads by a guy who called 2017 spot on in general and predicted Labour would win Canterbury at odds of 25/1 about why the polls may be getting it all wrong, he says the real gap is around 2-3 points, but I refuse to get my hopes up, it is possible but not likely they are getting it wrong to that extent

I suspect the real gap is about nine points and I don’t think tactical voting will be nearly effective enough

It looks to me like there will be partial inversion of the traditional norms with the Tories gaining a lot of seats up north and losing seats down south

I just don’t see any way Labour are going to hold enough of those northern and midlands seats

This is an interesting blog for those who are interested in polling

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We are in the wild west of propaganda everywhere

Data harvesting is a malignant cancer on democracy

Tory Kuennsberg has outdone herself with the false equivalence on this one, it’s almost a parody

You’d worry about a few lads around here.

Didn’t Survation call it correctly the last time? If the BBC et al don’t release the exit poll data early on in the evening it will be hung parliament territory.


Their poll from last night seems all over the place though

They have the Tories ahead of Labour in London and the combined Labour and Lib Dem vote in London at just 42.7%

They have Labour ahead of the Tories in Scotland and less than 1% behind the SNP

All of that seems completely unbelievable, it seems ludicrous

I cannot believe that Labour are not well ahead of the Tories in London and the Tories are surely ahead of Labour in Scotland

BMG had a poll today which showed Johnson just 39-32 ahead nationally in terms of preferred PM

That is not great for the Tories if it bears any resemblance to reality

BBC exit poll will be released at 10pm whatever it says, it’s actually an all-TV network exit poll, well it was in 2017 anyway and I presume will be again

Great example there of the entitlement class exercising their personal responsibility by stealing your mans phone off him

“It’s the reporter’s own fault - he should have known Johnson would steal it”

Maybe Boris urgently needed to call his American hussey for a quicky

These are the ones who are worried

Looks like the Tories have planted a fake “story”, a “dead cat”, to try and change the narrative because they were being badly exposed today

No eyewitness reports so far, video footage from the scene shows no evidence that such a punch happened

Laura Kuennsberg unsurprisingly running with the “story” despite admitting she doesn’t know what happened and unsurprisingly the rest of the Tory media are reporting the “conservative source” uncritically

Political reporting in the UK is a very, very bad joke

And half the lads on here believing everything the media is spoonfeeding them. You have to hand it to the media barons on one level, it’s certainly a more sophisticated method of mind control than say the style favored by Kim Jong-Un, but the same net effect.

Here’s the proof it was a completely fake “story”

Uncritically reported as a punch by the BBC Political Editor as well as the rest of the Tory media

Tory majority would drive sid insane.

I don’t even think what Kuennsberg and co. did qualifies for the “Woeeful Journalism” thread

Naked propaganda is what it is

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