UK general election 2019 - corbinned

True story bro.

This sort of shit is going to hand the Tories about seven or eight seats in London alone

Finchey and Golders Green
Cities of London and Westminster
Chelsea and Fulham

BBC doing there best here. They’ve had just about as bad a day as Boris

It’s the “white power” symbol

I reckon this will clinch it

Smacks of desperation. Boris is failing badly with female voters. It’s gonna take a lot more than patronising them because it Christmas to earn their trust

It’s funny and it plays to his strengths. The lovable buffoon. It’ll get votes.

I dunno. They must have edited out the scene where he nicks her shoes and phone

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And throws her laptop out onto the street followed by the police arriving to the scene

And the one where he gets her pregnant.


And London corpo pays her ‘company’ 250.000 hush money

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Do a Twitter search for “a good friend of mine is a senior nursing sister at Leeds Hospital”

Tory bots and trolls are trying to spread a conspiracy theory about the boy with pneumonia on the floor

Allison Pearson of the Daily Telegraph heavily pushing this fake news

Wasn’t there a storyline in “Yes Minister” about protecting the great British sausage?

The Tories love telling porkies anyway

Their campaign has been more like mince

They do love a good Hacker though, preferably a Russian one

It was when Hacker got the big gig. So the one that links YM to YPM. The more that show ages the more relevant it becomes

In the interest of balance

Even An Fear Rua has told Laura Kuennsberg she’s a pathetic shambles :astonished:

The Tories, the party of Glasgow Rangers, say themselves

Johnson is a plagiarist

Who would have thought

Sitting Labour MP for Tooting