UK general election 2019 - corbinned

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This is very good

Niall McGarry strikes again

Boris Johnson won’t even admit how many children he has. How could you possibly vote for him :joy:

I see Jon Ashworth is in a bit of trouble.

Think the local council in that Larkhall place investigated changing traffic light colours from green to blue in the past.

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It was costing them a fortune to repair them as the green lights were constantly smashed in. Subway had to have a black shopfront for the same reason. I knew someone from Connacht who was a social worker there though and he had a great time, as did I when working up the road in Bellshill. Lots of tribalism and poverty but people are generally very decent. Would have been good labour territory once upon a time but I can’t imagine many ares with flute bands being supporters of Corbyn.

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For the season that’s in it

An insult, the Tories have zero empathy

All I want for Christmas is Jew.

Hiding in a fridge is the sort of leadership you want from a Tory PM

What was YouGov’s predictions on Brexit? Haven’t they been out of kilter with the actual result the last while?

Dunno tbh. I’ve always wondered who these thousands of people questioned are. I’ve never yet met anyone who’s been asked.
The boys could be phoning it in from magaluf.

YouGove predicted Remain 52-48

This is their MRP

Tory 339 Labour 231 Lib Dem 15 SNP 41 Green 1 Plaid Cymru 4

Based on a vote share of Tory 43 Labour 34 Lib Dem 12 Brexit 3 Green 3 SNP 3

MRP does not include NI

There are distinct signs of hope for Labour here

It’s possible they could once again hit 40%

The narrative of the campaign has shifted - Johnson is in full blown panic mode

Lib Dems always underperform in the election compared to the polls

Greens will underperform their polls

If Lib Dems underperform by 2 and Greens by 2, and that is very possible, that’s Labour onto 38

Polls look like they may again be undersampling or underweighting Remainers/young voters

ICM had a poll of marginals where the majority was under 10%

In Labour held marginals of under 10% majority, Labour lead 46-38 over the Tories

In Tory held marginals of under 10% majority Tories lead 46-39 over Labour

Key thing is how much Lib Dem vote can hold up where they have a chance – it needs to be very well geographically concentrated

Brexit party vote could hurt Tories up north - the real Brexit Party vote could double or possibly more than double what the polls say - they are only standing in 274 seats out of 631 in Britain - but the Tories will be hoping to squeeze that vote in the same way Labour will hope to squeeze the Lib Dems and Greens

In the poll of who would be best PM, Johnson only won 39-32 – that’s really poor for Johnson

Undecideds – they should break for Labour

The Tory vote up north could be very soft - last minute switchers “coming home” to Labour

Labour have the momentum coming into polling day

And the polls lag – they can never be entirely up to date - and that includes the YouGov MRP which only very partially takes Johnson’s gaffe on Monday into account (poll was gathered over a full week)

The SNP’s performance is key - I think there are signs they may underperform again

I agree with this.

I think Labour made a mistake early doors in not identifying the seats where with Labour assistance they could get a Lib Dem candidate in and vice versa. There seemed to be far too much expectation that Lib Dem’s would help them but not vice eras which seems hugely arrogant. Those marginal seats - for both parties - are the only chance of preventing a Tory majority. A Labour majority was unlikely from the start but it would seem it took far too long for the delusion to lift.

I’d agree with some of Sydney’s assessment - Boris is in full melt-down mode and actually the less seen from Corbin (and less big-style promises) it seems the gap can close. Who knows how much though

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