UK general election 2019 - corbinned

I have to say Sid, whatever our differences you are by any reckoning an exceptional interneter.

My own reasoning is much less empirical but I think that the public and even the working-class are very afraid of the prospect of a hung parliament and I think that frustration might cancel out a lot of the usual working-class fear and hatred of the Tories that is usually a major silent factor in British GEs.

This thread is a disgrace, nobody has the balls to expose far left zealotry and champagne socialist cheerleaders. I’m not sure which category you are in.

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I read some fairly cool-headed analysis from lots of posters about how the election was going to go, mostly saying the Tories were going to stomp it and then some spamming shite from yourself that I didn’t even bother reading. I also didn’t bother reading Sid’s response.


The concerns I have about Corbyn and his fan club who drove moderates out of the Labour party are the exact reason Labour will not win this election, an election they should walk. You know this as you are intelligent enough to see through their divisive rhetoric.

Pretty much every poster above just said that Boris was going to win. I’m going to bed.


Goodnight mate.

Wise move

It’ll all be over soon.

No mate don’t you worry, it will be a hung parlaiment and then we have another election to look forward to in 6 months! :star_struck:

Tbf the meltdown after trumps win was more entertaining than the lead up so you’re probably right

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I’m on at 5am today so gonna get a quick snooze when I go home and then get up for the night. Might treat myself to a dominoes. This is gonna be epic

Its only the end of the beginning

What kind of scot votes for the tories, especially Johnson. A pathetic people


This is not even the end of the beginning.

Great minds etc

A unionist named Cameron or Finlay.

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Or alisduurrrr

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It’s time to get Brexit done guys

Sad to see @anon7035031 posting more Jew-hatred

He really despises them

You’d wonder if only Parnell had a catchphrase back in 1886, ‘Get Home Rule Done’ things could have been altogether different

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