UK general election 2019 - corbinned

Irish guy lost people in the famine, hold the front page

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He lost family in the famine :smile:

In other news the night is dark

Is that funny to you?

That’s low. Low as a snakes belly

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The humanitarian Marxists are out in force.

Quiet you, or I’ll send a guard around for your bike

This thread is brewing up nicely

Bercow on Sky News as special guest.

The neoliberal cunts are treating this like transfer deadline day

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BBC News dealing with US politics

Anna Botting is at Boris’ count, Sophy Ridge at Corbyn’s. Where’s Kay??

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Is Kay Burley there? Havent seen her out in a while.

Are they allowed talk about the UK election?


Sophy seems a grand lass

I thought the poor lady in studio was transgender initially

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You auld dogs. They’ll probably unleash Kay at 10pm

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Sophy is much better than Laura Kunnsenberg anyway

No Kay no party.


Rumours that Boris could be in trouble in his constituency out canvassing tonight :open_mouth: must have got a lend of Berties overcoat

Tonight is already a great victory for all with Kate Hoey kicking the political bucket