UK general election 2019 - corbinned

Because of the ten commandments.

Can anybody tell me why this incident wasn;t highlighted by the anti-Corbyn media

It’s because it’s a real instance of anti-Semtism that doesn’t fit the narrative of the anti-Corbyn media

As the Equality and Human Rights Commission enquiry into the Labour Party continues, antisemitism has been a topic at the forefront of British politics for a number of years.

But there’s something our conversations are missing. Why have a number of Conservative MPs made antisemitic comments over the past few months?

In March, Suella Braverman made a speech in which she talked about the threat of ‘cultural Marxism.’

This seemingly banal criticism of her political opponents, is, in fact, an early twentieth-century conspiracy about Jewish people being a threat to society.

It was rhetoric used by the Nazis and more recently by Anders Breivik.

Earlier this week, Home Secretary Priti Patel used her Party Conference speech to slam what she referred to as ‘North London, metropolitan, liberal elite’ attitudes to immigration.

Those defending Patel have argued she was referring to the North London constituencies of Labour frontbenchers but it speaks to something deeper.

Patel was using her speech to criticise those not listening to the attitudes of ‘real people’ but instead invents an imagined metropolitan, liberal conspiracy to undermine societal norms.

That this was rooted in North London, home to the country’s largest Jewish community, makes it even more troubling.

It was the language of the far-right and whilst people will use the cloak of it being legitimate political debate, Patel’s comments are a worrying descent into dog-whistle antisemitic discourse.

As if Patel’s comments were not enough for one week, the Leader of the House of Commons Jacob Rees-Mogg today referred to George Soros as ‘the remonaer funder in chief.’

Soros, a Hungarian philanthropist, has been a hate figure for the extreme right for a number years.

For a government frontbencher to perpetuate this conspiracy at the despatch box should bring a shiver down the spine of any reasonable, open-minded person. And this is by no means an isolated incident, with Rees-Mogg a few weeks ago describing his Jewish colleague Oliver Letwin of being part of an ‘Illuminati’ for supporting legislation to delay a No Deal Brexit.

It is not not a coincidence that a number of high profile Tory MPs have engaged in antisemitic rhetoric. Rather, it is symptomatic of the Conservative party’s decision to embrace a politics that is hostile to outsiders, toxic and deeply nationalistic.

The scapegoating of others. The identification of enemies. The conspiracy theories. That’s the kind of rhetoric that Jews will be all to familiar with.

It’s time for this to stop.

Corbyn hater and Brexiteer zealot Toby Young, an anti-Semite, assumes all speculators are Jewish


Which of the Tories, Labour or the Liberal Democrats have the best policy on Brexit, in your view

If you could answer, that would be great


But, but, but The Daily Telegraph told me he’s Stalin and hates Jews

He’s so evil, evil I tells ya

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This is the real story of the Tories’ visceral hatred of the disadvantaged

This should be on the front page of every newspaper

It won’t get a single column inch

Big surprise

And quite a disappointment

Lady Hermon was the only decent Unionist in Westminster, and the only decent Unionist there for a long, long time

The amount of quality female MPs that are standing down is disheartening and symbolic of the toxic atmosphere that Brexit has brought to UK politics


:grin::grin: was thinking exactly that as I was quickly scrolling past.

Sorry lads that’s my fault, I set him off

Corbyn voted against his own Government a record amount of time and was never deselected.

Meanwhile his cult regularly cry about him not being supported by the PLP- despite him being a serial loser at elections. Even now he is hoping for a coalition at best - one that would inevitably mean many of his core policies are watered down. If his brand of left wing government is still electable in the U.K., the left should be confident enough that a new left wing leader could win an election. Seems as though they are happy enough with losing though.

Tom Watson standing down

About time he did,

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What is it about the centre of British politics? It used to be both parties would target the centre - that swing vote was the path to victory. Now you have two leaders hell-bent on driving their parties to the left/right and playing to the voters who’d vote for them anyway.

I’m with @Julio_Geordio on this one. The fact that the Eton mentallers are still the most likely next gov despite all the lunacy, lies and ineptness is a damning indictment of the opposition.

Stop whining about Russians, media conspiracies etc, convince the centre and coast home.


They just enjoy campaigning and having meetings. Corbyn has spent his whole life at it.


At some point you’re going to have provide something other than shouting “cult”

There is one cult standing in this elecction and it sure isn’t Labour

You either take democracy seriously or you don’t

It’s pretty obvious which category you fall into

Democracy both in Britain and elsewhere in Europe is under existential threat from a variety of angles

The Brexit vote was a sham, the media in Britain are active disinformation agents, social media is the wild west of disinfomation and owned and controlled by people with vested interests in the far right taking power, Russia has been waging an information war throughout Europe and the US and continues to do so at an increasing rate, funding the far right, and interfering in elections

If these issues are not addressed and actively tackled, there will be no centre, and Europe could well turn into a continent ruled by Viktor Orban clones

These are defining issues of our time, but sure continue on there with your fingers stuck in your ears and whistle away to yourself

Remember that fascism has always relied on so called “moderate conservatives” to get into power

Brexit and Trump are case studies in this exact phenomenon

@Sidney - taking democracy seriously isn’t writing incessant long-winded posts on the internet or talking into the echo-chamber of social media.

You want to protect democracy - win elections. That’s achieved by building coalitions of broad support, and winning the middle ground. The vast majority of people don’t spend most waking hour thinking about this sort of stuff- they occasionally tune in. That’s the game. Play the game that’s here now rather that whining at the ref, the other team and wishing it was a better game. And once you win the game, you can go about changing the rules.

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You addressed precisely none of my points

Keep whistling away to yourself

The fact that you avoid the points would be a dead giveaway of your Fine Gael background, wouldn’t it

That’s Fine Gael with their dedicated department for putting out propaganda

Here look - you can abuse me all you want, it doesn’t diminish my point.

I think your points about influence on politics are probably fair enough. The Russians are inclined to sew any kind of disruption and I’ve no doubt that there are political forces that will take any action they can to try and retain and wield power. Whining about it on the internet though?

You say this should be “actively tackled”. That’s best achieved by winning the fucking election and actually administering power.

This should be a tap-in for a credible opposition. The fact that it isn’t still speaks volumes.