UK general election 2019 - corbinned

He’d hardly have enough time, what with his frequent all expenses paid trips to Sri Lanka, the Seychelles and the Maldives

Over a million in expenses in one sitting of parlaimentry term alone :smile: :smile:

But sure that’s exactly the same as somebody who has earned a salary for 36 years as an MP, or something

“They’re all the same”, that’s what those who want to protect untrammelled corporate power and bigotry always say

He’d make a fine TD in fairness

He’d make a smashing Fine Gael housing minister

Jack Straw looks shook as fuck.

Fuck Tipp

Has the count concluded yet in St Ives?

Three hours since a post. The revolution must be over.

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Sid hadn’t slept with 3 days in excitement, he needs a few hours of kip.

He’s been posting furiously on boards all day, lecturing the far left that their harsh language cost labour the election :joy: :joy: :joy:


Surprise surprise, the Irish left coming out with the anti Semitic tropes now. Will Kitty Holland get the same treatment that Myers did?


@anon7035031 isn’t on the left, mate

It’s such a pity that @sidney_waddell doesn’t post here any more, he was such a sensible poster and still does trojan work over on boards.

Although it would be a little difficult seeing as he basically copy and and pastes all @labane1917’s posts from TFK.

I see it’s a long time since you posted over there mate

Probably for the best, you were badly out of your depth

Out of one’s depth on boards :joy: I barely have time for the odd post here mate, let alone maintain the dozen or so accounts you have over there.

Anyway good to see you have finally seen the light and recognize that calling the very people you expect to vote for you racists and nazis isn’t the best election strategy.

I’d never expect a racist, Nazi sympathiser like yourself to vote Labour, mate

Jesus the last few posts were bizarre even for here