Unpopular opinions or views you hold

I see the online tankiesphere is furious with Lula because they see him as being pro-Ukraine.


China is the only rival to the US as the preeminent global superpower. Russia wanted to be the third, and wanted each to be allowed do whatever they wanted in their own spheres of influence. China is pretty regressive to put it mildly. No they havenā€™t invaded anywhere like Russia has done with Ukraine yet, but thereā€™s little doubt the want to extend their influence and are open to doing so in ways we the west would consider negative, again to put it mildly.

UN general assembly resolution calling for Russia to leave Ukraine 147 - 7 with 32 abstentions. It can break simplistically enough sometimes.

Also an inconvenient truth that makes a lot of people very uncomfortable is NATO is essentially an anti-imperialist entity, and itā€™s certainly an anti-imperialist idea, itā€™s as anti-imperialist an idea as you can get.

We have seen the ultimate proof of that now, as countries who joined NATO do not get invaded by Russia, while countries who werenā€™t accepted into NATO do get invaded by Russia.

You just have to spend a certain percentage of your GDP on purchasing arms every yearā€¦ I wonder where they buy all their shit from? But yeah, more guns in the world is always good. Thatā€™s why you and @glasagusban are such pro gun nuts.

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The times they are a changing

The left have completely been swallowed up by everything they once stood against - they are now in favour of the military industrial complex, censorship, neoliberalismā€¦

Itā€™s fascinating to watch. The left has eaten itself.

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Whatā€™s the left these days? It seems to everything that isnā€™t very obviously right (wing)
Seems a very broad categorisation altogether, much of which would be in direct opposition to itself :man_shrugging:

It doesnā€™t exist. Itā€™s now on the right screaming for war and murder.

You could sub USA in there for China and thereā€™d be little difference

Not correct, no. I think the US is a shit show of a country, but theyā€™re not the same as China, no. Youā€™re just playing silly buggers with this one I think.

The way the left has become cheerleaders for the white house and US govā€™t policy is hilarious. No questioning, all supporting. Because orange man bad.

Iā€™m not tbh. I also wouldnā€™t say am anti or pro either. Not everything is black and white; good or bad.

Thereā€™s no arguing with consise geopolitical analysis like this Lionel

If youā€™re equating the US to China then yeah, you are being silly, in all fairness to you.

I didnā€™t say equating

thereā€™s little doubt the want to extend their influence and are open to doing so in ways we the west would consider negative, again to put it mildly.

I said this was almost interchangeable. You wouldnā€™t agree that some of the methods employed by the US are unsavoury?

All of that remains true.

The US never again touched Castro after 1961. The US did dastardly things elsewhere.

Russia has invaded Ukraine.

How can it make any sense that anybody who supported the right of countries like Cuba, Chile and Guatemala not to be subject to US invasion in the Cold War period, should now be in favour of Russia invading Ukraine?

You donā€™t debate on any sort of honest level, which is why you are so tiresome.

Guns proliferating in a society, as they do in the US, is a recipe for disaster.

Having no defence capability, as you want countries to do, is a recipe for disaster, because monsters like Putin exist.

the problem for china is that a significant amount of their military might is based on russian design which, as weā€™ve seen, isnt worth a shite.

that said, china is taking steps to address this through a number of different initiatives such as civilian military fusion, china 2049 and the thousands talent programme.


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