Unpopular opinions or views you hold

There’s no arguing with consise geopolitical analysis like this Lionel

If you’re equating the US to China then yeah, you are being silly, in all fairness to you.

I didn’t say equating

there’s little doubt the want to extend their influence and are open to doing so in ways we the west would consider negative, again to put it mildly.

I said this was almost interchangeable. You wouldn’t agree that some of the methods employed by the US are unsavoury?

All of that remains true.

The US never again touched Castro after 1961. The US did dastardly things elsewhere.

Russia has invaded Ukraine.

How can it make any sense that anybody who supported the right of countries like Cuba, Chile and Guatemala not to be subject to US invasion in the Cold War period, should now be in favour of Russia invading Ukraine?

You don’t debate on any sort of honest level, which is why you are so tiresome.

Guns proliferating in a society, as they do in the US, is a recipe for disaster.

Having no defence capability, as you want countries to do, is a recipe for disaster, because monsters like Putin exist.

the problem for china is that a significant amount of their military might is based on russian design which, as we’ve seen, isnt worth a shite.

that said, china is taking steps to address this through a number of different initiatives such as civilian military fusion, china 2049 and the thousands talent programme.


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You should look at your own honesty before throwing glass.
NATO deters imperialism apparently… yet it’s essentially controlled by America to achieve neoliberal goals.

Are you really being honest? You want guns in the hands if elites under the pretence of ‘defense’.

Could you flesh that out?

Isn’t it and shouldn’t it be a core tenet of not just “the left” but anybody across the spectrum who believes in international law, the right to self determination of peaceful sovereign countries, and basic morality, to believe in the right of a country to fight back against a Nazi-like invasion with all their might, and with all the help they can muster?

And let’s be clear, what Putin has done is a Nazi-like invasion, done on the same exact same bullshit fantasies which Hitler used to invade Czechoslovakia and Poland.

Could you flesh out what you mean when you say “Orange man bad”?

This is fluent internetish. A flippant statement of attempted “humour” which is meant to airbrush the evils of fascism. A statement which is meant to state the opposite of what it literally says.

Donald Trump is on any objective level a fascist demagogue who is a threat to US society, US national security, the existence of the US itself and the existence of the post World War II western alliance, and the safety of the world.

I don’t honestly see how anybody can earnestly argue that statement isn’t true.

Which is why nobody ever earnestly argues that it isn’t true, they just make stupid, glib statements with their tongues lodged not just firmly in their cheeks but up their own arses. Crap internet comedians for Trump.

This is a not a serious contribution. It’s a Wallaceism, a pro-Russia, pro-imperial slaughter slogan which denies the right of the oppressed to fight back against fascism.

You’ve not made one contribution of any worth here on the subject of Russia’s war on Ukraine since Russia’s build up of troops on the Ukranian border hit the news in November 2021.

You’re an absolute busted flush.

You say NATO does not deter imperialism.

So tell me why NATO members Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have not been invaded by Russia, while Ukraine and Georgia, who wanted to be part of NATO but were not admitted, have been invaded by Russia?

Answer that question and answer it honestly.

In fairness… Unless something categorically lines up 100% with your world view it’s dismissed as right wing/Nazi/ Putin loving yada, yada , yada…

Rinse and repeat.

You were the same with covid and the vaccine and everything you believed has been totally exposed as false.

You should take that as a form of learning.

I didn’t say this… I merely pointed out the contradiction in your statement. NATO is robbing Peter to fuck Paul. But you hate Peter so much youre ok with Paul getting fucked.

Bizarre logic.

Fair enough so. I think there’s pretty big chasm between the two.

Well I’m not an extremist, if that’s what you mean.
Apart from the cold war the main purpose of your post ww2 western military industrial complex has been to bolster the American economy by destabilising the middle east. It has done so by bombing civilians, burning crops, blockading ports, instigating famines and so on and so on. They’ve installed dictators, armed extremists, sent thousands of people into the ranks of the taliban, al qaeda etc, only to pivot back and forward, providing and withdrawing support to and from the worst elements of humanity , sometimes simultaneously in different countries
That said they certainly haven’t limited their sphere of influence to just bombing brown people, not when gas sales are involved…as nordstream has shown.
Millions dead and counting in iraq, yemen, Libya, syria etc. And you think this makes the world a safer place and keeps “us” safe? I suppose it depends on how you define “us”


The new left… Soon to be replaced with the new new left

Again you obfuscate and repeat bullshit slogans when you’re cornered.

Rinse and repeat, yada yada yada.

Nobody serious takes you seriously.

What’s left when all that matters is being right-on?

Again, you’re attempting to obfuscate and you refuse to answer a very simple question because you aren’t here to debate honestly, you’re here to troll.

You say NATO is imperialism. What fucking bollocks.

NATO is anti-imperialist. It was set up to prevent countries coming under the jackboot of an external oppressor. It has been completely successful in this. That’s what fucking kills you lot.

The likes of you reject what actual leftists and trade unionists in eastern European countries say regarding Russia and regarding NATO because you’re a good little imperialist who tells Johnny Foreigner in small, free countries to shut up. I mean shure what the fuck would actual leftists and trade unionists in free eastern European countries know about their own countries, they should shut up and listen to you, yeah.

The likes of you would have us under Putin and Xi in a heartbeat. Fucking idiot.

You’re obfuscating. None of this is relevant as regards what NATO is.

I’m one of the biggest critics of US post World War II foreign policy on a world scale, and especially as regards the Middle East.

I also know that the US and NATO is what guarantees our freedom on this continent, because I have a brain. And the western military industrial complex is an integral part of that, whether you like it or not.

You refuse to engage your brain. That’s why you’ve pigeonholed yourself into extremism and apologism for Europe’s 21st century Hitler.