Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Mcgregor is definitely the biggest star outside of Ireland, particularly for anyone under 40 at the moment. A sad reality


Comfortably so, it’s depressing.


‘Ooh are uh lyling too?’ and ‘what were you selling at Cadburys?’ are the two most entertaining segments of television I’ve seen this year.

Was travelling to a wedding a few weekends ago and Hannon’s girlfriend/wife Louise Cantillon was presenting a music show recap show if some kind on Today FM.

How she isn’t presenting on RTE when you’ve the likes of AG, MM, LR is baffling.

Thank god im over 40. A disgusting human being. Is that what young people look up to.

Our heroes took drugs but could handle it


Thats a good list

This chance sighting still occasionally crosses my mind. I can still picture it in my mind’s eye. It was the only time I ever saw her in real life. She was magnetic. I felt good for the rest of the day after seeing her.

No wonder irelands youth are acting like they do.

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Why, because I said she wasn’t a musical genius? I don’t recall you espousing her genius before she died and you hopped on the bandwagon (mind you, you are Limerick).
The world will move on and forget. It’s just a fact. It ends in dust and disarray.

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Go on Tattle, the piece of human filth get the treatment he deserves

She was a hottie. Played bands and music Irish DJs hadn’t the scope, taste or motivation to find. She made Fanning look like a hapless amateur.

It wouldn’t be hard.

A shrill, arrogant cunt

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Say what you want about him now but Fanning was a very important figure for the Irish music scene for decades,
We’re spoilt for choice now in many ways but his evening show was the only way to access non mainstream music back in the day, outside of Dublin anyway

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That’s not to say he’s not a shirll, arrogant cunt and he has been for as long as i remember

Were you able to pick up the signal for BBC radio in Cork at the time?

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I wouldn’t have had the inclination unless it was crystal clear, I remember getting sports on the AM frequency, was it 5live or something like that but it was patchy enough.
I was happy enough with what Fanning was putting out

This is a very stupid post. First of all, I don’t believe I commented on her life or death on here good bad or indifferent. What bandwagon have I jumped on then?

All I said was you’re going out of your way to be contrary and are coming across as a bit of a dick, which is unusual for you.

What is usual is you getting your knickers in a knot as soon as anyone says boo to you.

I’d say ye must be meeting the wrong sorts outside Ireland. I wouldn’t be able name 3 MMA fighters and most people would be the same. I lived abroad when McGregor rose to fame and was completely oblivious to him until I returned home. It’s just that people who do know him tend to be loudmouths that has skewed views on his popularity.


Yeah the BBC signal was patchy enough down my way too but I would always listen in. My recollection was that originally Fanning was on very late at night on Radio 2. Gerry Ryan had the early evening 7-9 I think then there was an album show and then Fanning until after midnight. Ryan and Fannings shows were very good in fairness and really the only “alternative” shows available outside Dublin


I was in the US recently, the irish question obviously came up and constantly was asked what i think of Mcgregor, with a sigh i added hes a scumbag etc, most of them were surprised and asked why, the miami allegations came out the week i left.

Fanning had the 8 to 10 slot on weekdays on 2FM - after the time you are referring to I would suggest.

I was reared on it. Recording of songs off it were commonplace by my older brothers.

Donal Dineen came into the frame after Radio Ireland came on board in 1997. He was from 10 to midnight and was more alternative than Fanning, if you forget about his massive hard on for David Gray.