Unpopular opinions or views you hold

I wouldn’t have had the inclination unless it was crystal clear, I remember getting sports on the AM frequency, was it 5live or something like that but it was patchy enough.
I was happy enough with what Fanning was putting out

This is a very stupid post. First of all, I don’t believe I commented on her life or death on here good bad or indifferent. What bandwagon have I jumped on then?

All I said was you’re going out of your way to be contrary and are coming across as a bit of a dick, which is unusual for you.

What is usual is you getting your knickers in a knot as soon as anyone says boo to you.

I’d say ye must be meeting the wrong sorts outside Ireland. I wouldn’t be able name 3 MMA fighters and most people would be the same. I lived abroad when McGregor rose to fame and was completely oblivious to him until I returned home. It’s just that people who do know him tend to be loudmouths that has skewed views on his popularity.


Yeah the BBC signal was patchy enough down my way too but I would always listen in. My recollection was that originally Fanning was on very late at night on Radio 2. Gerry Ryan had the early evening 7-9 I think then there was an album show and then Fanning until after midnight. Ryan and Fannings shows were very good in fairness and really the only “alternative” shows available outside Dublin


I was in the US recently, the irish question obviously came up and constantly was asked what i think of Mcgregor, with a sigh i added hes a scumbag etc, most of them were surprised and asked why, the miami allegations came out the week i left.

Fanning had the 8 to 10 slot on weekdays on 2FM - after the time you are referring to I would suggest.

I was reared on it. Recording of songs off it were commonplace by my older brothers.

Donal Dineen came into the frame after Radio Ireland came on board in 1997. He was from 10 to midnight and was more alternative than Fanning, if you forget about his massive hard on for David Gray.


Mark Radcliffe was another good DJ on BBC Radio 1.


Society was completely different then to now.

There was fuck all money about. The power of the church was waning and there was an explosion of creativity with big characters.

Society now doesn’t know hardship really. Also the internet and smart phone have been game changers, rightly or wrongly.

Bit of a stretch.


Yea fanning was the absolute go to man for alternative to the charts music in the 90s. The fab 50 thing at Xmas was absolutely iconic. First time I heard so many great artists and tunes. I think for a few years I heard the number one on the way to midnight mass? Bullet with butterfly wings at no 1 was a memorable surprise winner one year. He is a cunt lately though.
After that tom dunne pet sounds was the man in the 2000s. I used work evening shift in a factory and the eternal row was between the lads who wanted the chart shite on 2fm and the lads who wanted Tom dunne.

Well John Peel had pretty much the same show on BBC Radio One for years before Fanning.

Yea but I’m talking about among little boggery Irish lads like me. I never heard tell of peel. Fanning and copied tapes from lads with older brothers and sisters was all we had. I didn’t like Donal dineens show it was too alternative for me


No they were actually different shows. From 1982 Peels Festive 50 show was limited to songs from the year in question whereas Fannings Fab 50 was for songs from any year.


I don’t think the fab 50 went as far as Christmas Eve

It was super radio though, my most vivid memory is doing Christmas work in the sorting office in Cork with fanning fab 50 in the headphones after buying a lovely pair of green Adidas Gazelle on my break, I’d say that was 1993


Smells Like Teen Spirit had a good run back then. Creep may well have come into it too.

Debaser, There is a Light that never goes out snd Stairway to Heaven were all regulars.

A lot of those would have been fairly mainstream actually and played on daytime radio I’d say.

It definitely did some years. U2 would win it every year with Bad. Went to shit once Smashing pumpins started winning


Any of you young pups hear of Radio Caroline? Wan of our own kept music alive for a decade.

All those are either trading off long past glories or their cultural contribution does not have the necessary weight to enable comparison with the likes of Sinead O’Connor, Bono, Geldof, Dunphy, Gay Byrne, Jack Charlton, Charles Haughey in terms of being towering presences in Irish life.