Unpopular opinions or views you hold


I don’t think anyone would see bankrupting Wexford as a fault.


Hurling was a more enjoyable game to watch in 90s then it is now

2-14 to 1-13 is a proper score and not 0-32 to 1-27


There also wasn’t a plethora of hurling snobs.

Hurling won’t recover until Offaly and ground hurling is back


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Not sure I’d be depending on a convicted rapist for my moral compass but each to their own.

I know whos face I’d like to punch.


A straw man argument, in truth. I have never heard anyone mention anything about DF bankrupting/financially imperiling Wexford. Plenty can be said about him – and should be said – but that particular charge was never made by anyone for the good reason that it would be, obviously, rubbish.

Must be averaging 80/90 puck outs a game now?

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(happy to help)


Thanks, hopefully that makes it clearer :+1:

You had a story about the team staying in Mount Juliet and how much it must have cost. Even though you dont know if they stayed there and that the county board didnt spend a thing on them being there either.

But you are also having a laugh if you dont think it was ever mentioned that Davy would bankrupt Wexford or that he would take as much money as he possibly could from the co board. Im not going to bother searching on here, but countless people have commented similar thoughts.

Plenty of people dont like him, and thats their perogative. But it also clouds any proper judgement on him too.

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I was making a general point about why DF typically goes down well with players at first. I stand by this point.

No one, in my recollection, has ever said anything about DF “bankrupting” Wexford. A straw man argument, as I said.

DF did get a great deal of money, illegally, for managing Wexford between 2017 and 2021. But that reality clearly was not equivalent to making the Wexford County Board insolvent. And therefore you have no need to be so defensive. Besides, DF was not going to the place for the good of his health and he has absolutely no loyalty to Wexford, as abundantly proven when he went and gave a pep talk to those young footballers who were taking on a Wexford team.

A journalist friend says he remains amazed by DF’s ability to ‘hypnotize’ people. I agree with him.

Golf is shite.


What were the illegal payments, who were they from and how much were they?

Davy is old news here anyway. His talk to Carlow and pathetic behaviour before and after the Clare game proved his loyalties were to himself first. He did well, but his tenures have shelf life and is not a long term solution

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After 5 years at the helm did he leave Wexford in a better place than when he took over using the old political adage?

His abuse of Galway players from the sideline was way beyond the pale.

Yeah, marginally i suppose. The last 2 years went very stale and his inability to develop a squad and bring through new players is a blot on his copybook, but there was some consistency at least and a positive attitude and progression with the players. Previously we might catch a team on the hop or fluke a win. The sweeper system helped i suppose in that regard.

But there is a decent core there and Egan is certainly working to bringing through a much more rounded and expansive squad. I reckon he could have given more debuts to players in his 4 months in charge than Davy in 5 years.

@flattythehurdler davys behaviour on the sideline is inexcusable and again shows his selfishness. Galway were never picked out any worse than other teams, as his exchange with the Waterford players proved.