Unpopular opinions or views you hold

“What were the illegal payments, who were they from and how much were they?”


“Davy is old news here anyway.”

Your defensiveness belies this point.

Yes really. You made a claim, either back it up or retract.

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Why do you think adding pomposity to defensiveness is a good move?

I will leave you at it, whatever it is.

You made a claim that some one was getting “a great deal of money, illegally” yet i dont believe you know this to be factual nor do you know how much or who was giving this illegal money.

Right. You win the debate/argument. You really know what is what. Hats off to your nous and savoir faire.

I am in awe.

Davy Fitzs opinion on Chicken maryland.

I think he’s on the ball there.

A former poster of Italian heritage and a lover of Ulster football would be proud of me now.

But it wasnt about “winning” anything. You made a fairly libellous claim, i asked you to substantiate it. I’ll leave it be.

Turn the matter around: do you think DF travelled to Wexford for five years for regular expenses?

Davy fitz destroyed wexford, a horrible cunt out for money

Not an unpopular opinion or view

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I used to think @Malarkey was a wanker but know I think he’s one of the best posters on this site.

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I don’t think we can take @Gman opinions on Davy Fitz at face value given how he shamelessly went out to bat for him on the Covid debacle last season. @Gman on here was as brazen as the Wexford chairman telling barefaced lies to the media.


That was the case from day 1 but the gaping yokels in Wexford thought he really loved them. He’s just a mercenary. The fact that Wexford posters went to bat for him repeatedly looked terrible and that’s not just hindsight.

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The likes of @Bandage and others organising breakfast fundraisers to shake lads down so Davy could afford another ivory back scratcher.


He was the first out to bat at Christmas when klopp was caught knee deep in a load off fake coronavirus tests

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The fact that they vote for Mick Wallace tells you all you need to know about the nous of Wexford folk, or lack thereof.


Sure I don’t give a shite about GGA.

Everybody needs a useful idiot and I just wanted the eggs, bacon, potato, peppers and cheese, topped with avocado, a squeeze of lime, and perhaps cilantro.

Hmmmm delicious.


Wexford suited Davy, county at a low ebb with decent players coming through and he would get a platform back again. Davy suited Wexford, a bit of structure back to a team and raise the profile and generate interest within the county again. There are idiots in every county who think they are loved everywhere. It was what it was. This started about Davys finances and what he got, and a claim was made he got a lot of money illegally. That I wont agree with, if there are comments on his teams or his behaviour etc, there is no issue there.

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Let it go mate, just let it go


Did Davy and Bomber Hickey pick up @Gman on the way to training in Ferns or what?

Did they let him stand up in the back of the car with his head between the driver’s and front passenger’s seats?