Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Yeah I probably should have made up a few stories and hear say gossip too to spice it up a bit like others do.

I believe he went playing golf one day. You can draw your own conclusions.

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Surely he must have been audited at some stage. If there was ever a stand out guy to be made an example of it’s him.

I suppose he’s cute enough and pays for a top accountant.

I think Harry Maguire is still a good player.

Euro 2020 fucked up Rashford, Shaw and Maguire in particular. Has to be that from a psychological point of view. They were doing well before that.

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I think you’re mixing him up with Paddy Maguire.
Paddy has a great outing Sunday an attendee informed me. Paddy’s a topper.


Giving a pep talk to an opposition county’s underage team was ill judged mind you

Sure was. Davy is not without his faults, but bankrupting Wexford was not one of them.

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I presume this opinion has been formed withoit watching him play?

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He doesn’t help himself

I’ve seen him play. I think the current situation at United mainly reflects a team in turmoil not helped by a shit manager who has no real accountability given his interim status.

I think if United get a good manager then things can change with a lot of those players. But that’s a big if.

Tell me you know nothing about football without telling me you nothing about football.

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@myboyblue 6 years ago

Marcus Rashford will do fuck all

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Donal Trump has been proven right on many topics

I watch most United games. He is indeed low on confidence. He is also one of the shittest central defenders ive ever seen. And most of it is nothing to do with confidence. He is slow as @Bandage pre fenners. He drops deep and plays people on all the time cos he’s so slow. Or he decides to step up without making sure anyone is with him, leaving an acre of space. He is a terrible, obvious fouler. Has no ability to foul tactically or subtly. He is completely reactive. He never ever sniffs danger before it happens. He is rhe opposite of John Terry, never gets the vital block. Usually, because he’s so slow and reactive, he gets there in time to see it go in and put on his disappointed shocked face or he gets there in time to deflect it in. He is appalingly slow at playing it out when he decides to play it out. Teams have always got themselves into position by the time he makes a pass. I could go on, but i dont want harry maguire to take anymore time out of my life.


Shite teams make keepers look great and defenders look awful. But maguire is a masterpiece in calamity. There’s a whiff of sideshow bob off him, hes a footballing alan partridge. It’s actually a scandal that he’s been keeping phil jones out of the side. His shirt doesn’t fit and it never will. Nothing can be done for his hair. His nose is unforgivable and no matter how much she tries, his mother cant stop crying.


For a while I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt but I as time goes on I think you’re probably correct on all front there

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@fran the astute judge as always.

Just waited to see which way the wind was blowing.

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He’s as slow as bandage pre fenners :rofl::rofl:

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