Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Paul Mason is proper left.
Bernie Sanders is proper left.
John McDonnell is proper left.

All are agreed that Russia is an existential threat and has to be faced down.

The preening Twitter fake left who have the same views as you, ie. horseshoe theory NazBol bullshit which is in alliance with the far right, have now taken to viciously abusing them for this.

Jeremy Corbyn is proper left wing in fairness to him. He has kept his principles. I admire him for that.

Bernie Sanders in general is a good guy too in fairness.

Corbyn has a Mary Poppins view of the world. He’s utterly deluded and making a total fool of himself.

You cannot compromise with Nazi imperialism, which is what Russia is. You have to totally defeat it.

This is proper big boy stuff, and he’s playschool level.

I don’t think we have a choice but to compromise mate. The Chinese foreign minister today spoke at length in favour of Moscow. They’re obviously eyeing up the Taiwan fiasco etc. That is a significant change from how dangerous this war was last year.

Do you really think arming the misfortunate Ukrainains to the teeth with weapons sporadically is actually going to deliver a win for Ukraine. I can’t see it mate, all we’re facing is more and more needless deaths on both sides.

Ultimately, even if what you’re saying came to pass - ie Ukraine wins this, we would have a nuclear world war on our hands. End of it all on the cards. Thats a material difference and is why diplomacy should never be off the table.

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You’re deluded. The stakes here are the same as World War II. A war such as this is for the very future of the free world.

Compromise, and bye bye free world.

There was no compromise with the Nazis once the war began and there never could be. It’s the exact same here.

There is one difference though mate. Hitler did not have a couple of thousand nuclear missiles. Putin does unfortunately and if he is as evil as it appears - should we not be concious of that?

A few of those are fired for example its all over or am I missing something?

The west has a hell of a lot more nukes, nukes that will actually work.

And if pushed, it can use them.

Mr. Putin should be very aware of that.

I think thats an extremely risky borderline negligent way of looking at it mate. Each to their own.

A nuclear war would be an absolute disaster for everyone. Surely you can see that @Cheasty ?

There is always a way around things - a bit of give and take and a peace process in Ukraine. I cant see Russia invading any Nato countries. I think we can agree on that.

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Not at all. There is no point at all in having nuclear weapons unless you prepared to use them if you need to use them.

If Putin decides to use nuclear weapons against Ukraine or the west, there is no other choice than to respond in kind and then some.

That’s the game.

Mr. Putin has been rather, ahem, “negligent”. by invading Europe’s second biggest country, a free country.

Another way of putting it, the accurate way, is that he is Europe’s 21st century Hitler. If the gloves do not come off the west and this war is not won totally, it’s the end of the west.

Russia needs the Germany/Japan post World War II treatment - demilitarisation, at least partial occupation, a national humiliation, a national reckoning, and Putin and the rest of his regime in The Hague or boxes in unmarked graves. That’s the only way real peace can be achieved.

Only Vladimir Putin can choose nuclear war.

You cannot give in to Nazism.

Basically you’re saying any time anyone with nukes threatens anything you have to give in and give them something to settle them down?

If you look at history mate, there is only one side in this conflict that has previous for using nuclear weapons.

For what its worth I’m no fan of either side in this conflict. Peace and reconcilation is the worlds best hope. Why let this drag on for a decade, ultimately both sides will have to do it.

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Why are you no fan of Ukraine?

And the use of nuclear weapons in that case was quite arguably justified. I used not to think so but I’m coming around to the argument.

Why? Because it ended the war there and then.

You argue that the war should end with the subjugation of a free country. We can see how that argument transfers to 1942. Not very well.

I’m a fan of all people, mate. I just don’t particularly like Ukraines government under Zelensky. They have been one of the most corrupt government adminstrations in the world and have been for years. They’re protrayed as saints of course but they’re not that. They’re also using their own people in a proxy war as cannon fodder. I don’t think they can win this and if I was Zelensky in the morning I would start talking with their enemy - thats what I think real statemenship would be from him.

We are lucky to have such expertise on Ukraine and on war strategy here.

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If it saved one life even, surely that would be a success?

If the Allies had given in to the Nazis and only 5,999,999 Jews had been slaughtered, I suppose that would have a success in your book.

Apples and oranges.

More war will just equal more misery across the board on innocent misfortunate people and you know it. I don’t think there is any threat against Nato member countries in Europe which debunks your Hitler comparison.