Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Why is it? Either you can stand by your reasoning or you can’t.

Strawman nonsence. Go on up the road Glas. You have a question for everything and an answer for nothing, mate.

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@The_Most_Infamous has always had a very strange definition of “peace”.

Not my fault youve very poor comprehension skills.

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September 2016 thats from in fairness @Cheasty

Have you answered my last reply yet?

Maybe you just don’t like your nonsense being shown up? Unless you genuinely would be the first one out to surrender?

Time to get off the stage, mate, it’s a pure car crash any time you venture in here.

Oh dear.

Whataboutery at its finest. No real answers to the tricky questions though at least you try to manouvere around it unlike poor @glasagusban

They should fire a few nukes into Moscow. Put a bit of manners on them.

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Plenty more where that came from.

My record on this forum is unblemished @Cheasty as you well know. :grin:

Come here have you got an answer yet on this question which has sent you back into the TFK archives?

Putin invaded Georgia in 2008 and Ukraine in 2014.

What year did he rid ISIS from Syria again?

The Kurds beat ISIS. Putin did fuck all except bomb hospitals.

What I find hard to understand is yourself and the likes of @glasagusban’s dismissal of peace in this current war. Going back in time picking through posts without context isnt really debating is it?

It’s bizarre, all ye have is more and more weapons and further bloodshed. I hate to say it, but that won’t end well.

Putin has outright said there’ll be no peace til his aims are achieved. I find it hard to understand where you see the opportunity for peace, it’s complete nonsense really, as nonsense as saying Putin should get the novel peace prize.

If the UN was fit for purpose they’d try and find a way to establish peace. At least get the parties to a table. The alternative of blowing away one side in a proxy war via more weapons and more weapons from the west and getting a result is even harder to fathom. Its beyond niave in my opinion. Its just not going to happen.

Fixed that for ya.

I don’t know you’re trying to say here to be honest.