Unpopular opinions or views you hold

I havenā€™t been stoned in a good while aul stock. :weary:

The song ā€œGraceā€ is a fucking dirge and if I never hear it again itā€™ll be too soon.


Maudlin old shite.

Even worse with Jim McCann quivering all over it.

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Cadette was a better finisher than larsson


Grace was fine until it was "discovered " and murdered by every second cunt at a sing song. Itā€™s the new Caledonia.


Is my beloved Beeswing in danger of going the same way?

Itā€™s not at that level yet, has the likes of Ed Sheerin covered it?

I was walking out to Salthill the June bank holiday Sunday night to go to Lonergans. I passed the Sliding Rock and they were belting it out inside. I wretched. A couple of hundred yards up the road I passed Cookeā€™s. They were also belting out ā€œGraceā€ inside. I wretched some more.

This was a very hot evening and I had a stye in my eye and a @Piles_Hussain up my hole, so I was probably already wretching, but the ā€œmusicalā€ backdrop made the whole experience so much worse.

ā€œGraceā€ should be banned from every Irish pub. The song itself should be banned full stop and any person who tries to sing it should be taken out, carted into a Garda van, transferred to Kilmainham Gaol and summarily executed by the British Parachute Regiment.

ā€œGirl stuns visitors to Kilmainham with tear jerking impromptu songā€


Itā€™s a lovely heartbreaking story that deserves a better song.

Stories for Joe

My Lovely Rose Of Clare should also be consigned to the dustbin of history.

I enjoy Grace and do my best not to listen to talentless cunts singing it

Declan Hannon does a lovely "Caledonia "


Is that the stupid version where he changes the words?

The only man part of that Limerick set-up who can sing is Mr. Kiely who does a great version of Piano Man.

All down to the Green Brigade for the popularity the past 10 years of Grace sadly.

It got a lot of airing around the time of the 1916 centenary and was picked up by a few popular singers.

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Itā€™s a grand song if you never hear it live

Certain songs should get a particular type of copyright that outright bans buskers and their ilk from singing them

Agreed. I would include the beautiful lovely Laois in this as youā€™ll no doubt learn over the coming years.