Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Bizarre behaviour.

Completely agree.these truck runs especially are making shit of country roads…they are sadly becoming part of country life in the last 10 years or so…I don’t think councils are happy about them but there would be war if they were stopped.

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They’re usually for a good cause tbf.One of the biggest I was ever at was in Kildimo a few years ago.It was huge as the Don would say.

+1. Weirdos.

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Tell the likes of @Bandage @Appendage @Gman @Juhniallio and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy how townie cunts are making a mess of the GGA

Every John Public I chat to, wants tubbers in the gallows and says he’s never paying his licence fee again. What do you be on about


Suicide is an act of immense bravery.

This unexpectedly changed about half an hour ago when I was presented with one. I feel dirty and unhealthy, though I regret nothing.

I think they originally began as vintage runs where the anoraks with vintage tractors gathered to bop up and down on their dextas and Ferguson 20’s along a specified route before going home for Sunday dinner. Then someone got the brainwave to use the idea for charity.

To become a line in a Richie Kavanagh song?

16 year olds like showing off in a big tractor

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Some very artful and unique club hurlers who probably lack the inch of athleticism. Stickmen. You’d suffer a million for a few clubmen with hands, and they can go on forever

I guess we do have dealings with different people eh??
Who’d a thunk that :man_shrugging:

You might question but this is a real cynic…

Wtf :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

They were paying him 70k a year on top of his declared salary whilst allowing him to preach and lie about his solidarity with ‘ordinary decent people’. I’d say he wasn’t the first in the line of sacrificial lambs but once he started sickening everyone with his talk about being haunted by sick children, loving co. Louth etc, then rte realised his humiliation might satisfy the public.
He’s a wanker’s wanker.


There is no point in building someone up, unless we get to tear them down again.

Tatoos. They are fucking vile. It seemed every second person in the zoo had them on display today.


Less is more. One or two thoughtful ones can look good on a person but yeah, some people treat themselves like a junior infants whiteboard.

Them “sleeves” look like shit.

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