Unpopular opinions or views you hold

they hurt like fuck going on and they hurt like fuck when you’re 45 and realize you’ve made a dreadful mistake. cost a fortune too.

I’d never get one

This calls for a poll

Wouldn’t be for me either

Birds with sleeves :nauseated_face:


Is the tramp stamp gone out of fashion now?

Some of the softest lads I know have the full sleeve. What was once for hardman show is now completely ruined.

Not really no but more likely to be a lovely heart or something a little less obvious

Sometimes they look great, particularly new ones, I’d say the technique/ink etc is much improved,
I don’t have any, I’d say if I was born 20 years later I would have something but nothing huge

The japs have it right - no tattoos allowed into onsens. The brother got some land when he was refused entry as I strolled on in to bathe in the nude with other lads

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I have none but hoping that’ll change shortly.

My missus has a leg sleeve (as well as a few others) and I love it on her.

Tattoos, done right, are class

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I had a god bless bobby sands which im repurposing to god bless bees and clean sands


:clap: :joy:

There’s the 10th for you.

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I’d say the only ones who enjoy watching them are tractor mad 4 year olds and teenagers who organise it for time off school. I’ve even seen toy tractor runs now which would be more wholesome.

Saw a lad today with full sleeves on both arms and legs. He must have been in his early 50’s and he looked absolutely ridiculous

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Tractor runs are usually on Sunday, they’re nearly always for a good cause usually somebody who’s sick or something.

Most secondary schools with rural students now have a tractor run as well.

There was a tractor run at home a couple of years ago, for a cancer stricken mother with young kids - who also have their own issues.

It was a massive turnout. It pulled in absolutely phenomenal money, something like €70k which is pretty incredible.


There was a similar one in Kildimo a few years ago for a local man.It was fuckin huge,tractors trucks vintage cars and bikes.The biggest one I ever seen.Ive no doubt @CillDioma had a tractor in it,they lifted savage money.Ive a video of them leaving from outside jack’s but I’d say it won’t upload here.

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Tractor runs and vintage car meets are great. Shows how many people take massive pride in restoring and maintaining vintage cars and tractors. I wouldnt be into it myself but theres great passion in folks when you ask them about it