Unpopular opinions or views you hold

FFS there were extracts from her book. She was very happy with the way things panned out, and had some sort of a crush on him for a good while before. Thereā€™s more spin in here these days than a West Indies 5 Day Test.

Bit of a tap in reallyā€¦but themā€™s the best

They all count.

Howā€™s the diplomat faring with russia and china?

Probably as well as any american president could. Even with a world full of diplomats, weā€™ll never see a world fully at peace. I think heā€™s done well in fighting for aid for Ukraine, not letting them get steamrolled by Putin and standing up to China, which is complete nonsense anyway and driven by the american publicā€™s bogeyman classification of communism for over 100yrs. Theyā€™d actually fix a few things if they partnered up with them more economically and handed them their gold medal in the international egg and spoon race.

The US set a trap for russia, Ukrainians are just being sacrificed the same way brown people have been geopolitically sacrificed for decades. Anyone who thinks the US are supporting Ukraine needs a history lesson.


I believe if the ā€˜anti-wokeā€™ contingent in the US were around 100yrs ago, theyā€™d be campaigning against a womanā€™s right to vote and campaigning against the abolishment of slavery a half century before that. They reek of a character that resists any advancement of the civil rights of any human being they feel is different to them.


Strangely enough those who fought against civil rights in the 60s and 70s were allDemocrats including Joe Biden who supported segregation because he didnā€™t want his kids growing up in the ā€œjungleā€. The noble side of the Democratic Party them were the Kennedys especially RFK


Biden at it again today, basically said all black and brown people donā€™t have high school degrees. What a racist moron.

Its a pity rfk jr will be shafted. I agree with every policy he wants to bring forward

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The whole Trump thing is like some huge practical joke. How much of an absolute cunt can we actually put forward and people will support him as heā€™s ā€˜anti wokeā€™. Heā€™s as big of a cunt as itā€™s possible to be surely itā€™s hard to believe heā€™s not a satirical character.

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True. If any of his supporters had an extra brain cell, theyā€™d be twice as stupid.

I dont think heā€™s anywhere near as inhumane, irresponsible or as dangerous as biden/the neocons using biden as a front.

Jonathan Sexton isnā€™t half the player that Ronan Oā€™Gara was.


Oā€™Gara wouldnā€™t tackle, the cowardly cunt. Sexton is twice the player Oā€™Gara was.

Oā€™Gara tackled, its just he was stone useless at doing it. Heā€™d have been better off if he didnā€™t even try.

Saying that Sexton tackles with his head and Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s wise for the long run

Thatā€™s about the only thing that was missing out of his game. He was 10x more consistent at the kicking, which was basically of course his main job.

Sort of important and basic for a rubby player to be able to tackle youā€™d think all the same.