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Would his kicking percentages be a good bit higher than sexton’s?

I’d say Sexton is better in loose play too. He’s a very good passer from hand and creates more openings. The two main O’ Gara tries I remember was intuitive thinking to capitalise on slow South African defence in 2004 and the intercept against Leinster in 2006. O’ Gara definitely a better/more natural looking kicker. You’d grow weary of the cross field kick from Sexton anytime we got an advantage in the opposition 22 under Joe Schmidt.


Not really. He still won all that there was in club/international rugby.

I’d say so.

This is interesting.

So I had to look it up.

Sexton’s percentage is higher.

Can’t remember what side you’re on.

The greatest ROG try of them all


Be interested to see the stats. At club and international combined I’d be surprised if Sexton didn’t have better stats, playing in more dominant teams helps a lot.

I’d say from an international perspective neither of them would match Morney Steyn, Chris Patterson, halfpenny Bigger and Jenkins, Wilkinson …all more reliable kickers IMO

O gara was an outstanding passer of the ball.


He was, he was also a brilliant tactical kicker out of hand, pinging the corners left right and centre. The 50/22 would have been manna from heaven for him


He would have been a master at it. And with the style of game that munster played they would have won more than the 2 european cups.

Saying that sexton is one of the best of all time, different eras with a crossover between its very difficult to definitely say who was better. I have my bias on the subject and thats what sets the argument for me


Love ROG but Sexton is another level again, its the speed he can do it at and he is also far more imposing physically.

He was to be fair. Mad to think that we got almost 24 years out of two out-halves. Hopefully Jack Crowley or Sam Prendergast push on as long-term successors but we might have a bit of a come down post World Cup after years of being spoilt at 10.

Hard to think of too many teams who had top class 10’s consistently for a quarter of a century. England had to rely on the likes of Charlie Hodgson, Andy Goode and Toby Flood in between Johnny Wilkinson and Owen Farrell. I suppose NZ went from Carter to Cruden to Barrett so they had a constant flow of quality.

What year was this? Tackling didn’t seem to be a thing then.

2000 Heineken Cup semi-final against Toulouse.

Nearly up to 30 incl the David Humphreys era

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Yeah he was pure class too. Kept O’ Gara out of the team for a fair chunk of 2001-2003. ROG only came on as a sub that day they denied England the Grand Slam in 01’. O’ Gara came off the bench to save the day with a last gasp drop goal against Wales in 2003 too.

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Toulouse were like Kilnsmans spurs then…we will just score more than you…they didn’t that day. Possibly the best try in Munsters history, the offloading was sensational. Johm Hayes scored possibly his only Munster try ever the same day, he plopped over from a yard

What’s the 50/22 rule? I can’t ask anyone in real life because I’m pretending to all my rugby mates that Ive stayed interested the whole time in case they win it


If a defender puts the ball over his own goal line from inside his 22, the attacking team gets a shot at the posts from the 50. In line with where the ball crosses the end line.


If you kick the ball from your own half and bounce it into touch past the 22 at the other end you get the lineout. Brought in to force defences to keep players further back and create more space for attack. Brilliant rule change that has done what it intended