Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Was it on Tubridy Tonight that he spotted the lovely Amy Hubberman and contacted mutual acquaintances to organise a date?

Iā€™m doubling down and standing with BOD here. #ibelievehim.


Good for you Binky, donā€™t go the cynical cunt road yet. Thereā€™s enough of them roles already filled in here

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The rugby biscuit circles and softens


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Meryl Streep was a ride when she was younger.

Definitely done worse


Wow. I didnā€™t realise they were airbrushing back then

I actually like robboe keane

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Thatā€™s natural beauty kidā€¦

That picture has been tampered with

Much better. Almost a different woman

Wrong thread

Are you familiar with the John Cazale story?

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Typical white males. Honestly

If youre ever stuck for a documentary, cazales story is a good one


A wonderful actor, Iā€™ll watch that

Rory Gallagher (not the guitarist) would have gone on to be one of the most successful coaches/managers of his era had the accusations from his marriage not leaked. His first intercounty management job was Donegal. Impossible job to try and fill the boots of McGuinness in his debut. Expectations were insane from supporters, and a lazy appointment from the county board. Did well with a shithape of a footballing county like Fermanagh, and we seen how he transformed Derry, getting the Glen guys to buy in and electrified the squad. He was learning, evolving, his progression as a manager seemed to be gathering incredible steam and I believe his alleged obsessive character would have made him made him near unstoppable with a good footballing county had he not been pariahā€™d. Not surprised Banty had him in at club level. I wonder if heā€™ll ever coach at any level anywhere in the world ever again. Iā€™d doubt any team would want to deal with the backlash. Iā€™d say one of the wealthier american club teams could figure out a way to sneak him in, under the radar for training sessions without there being too much bother.

Dont doubt for a second thereā€™s clubs whoā€™d take a shot on him, and 99% of them are in Ulster or Dublin.

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