Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Hardly an unpopular opinion.

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St Patricks day is a rubbish night out. Was craic when younger but once i finished college I have hardly been out for St Patrick’s Day as was usually working or just completely unarsed leaving the couch, too many underagers and scumbags you would rarely see out otherwise…
Decided to tip out in '22 as was the first allowed one since 19 but last year i got takeaway and watched football with cans in the house, was epic


All those days are a disaster. New Year’s Eve, paddies daye etc etc.


Pity you didn’t post up to the minute updates for us

on the football or the takeaway and cans?

It does bring the seedy underbelly of Mohill out alright.

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Going for a few pints during the day is grand on Paddies day, or any day for that

You know that you don’t have to go out, or drink at all right?

dead right, was there one Paddys Day and it was an experience

ah yeah early doors is grand, get home by 9/10 and you avoid a good bit of the messiness

Obviously not. but as a young lad you often get the “what’s your plans for paddys?” question which can lead to FOMO, now I am sufficiently old enough that most know that I wont be doing much

Government Ministers are underpaid


I agree. If you offer more money you might get better people in those positions.

Croutons have absolutely no place in either salad or soup


If we stop paying them some of the fuckers might go abroad :crossed_fingers:

The Eric Cantona incident at Selhurst Park in 1995 was very much overblown and the punishment meted out was excessive.

Matthew Simmons went to jail for a week after the court case madly enough… Cause he threatened Cantona’s lawyer and Cantona at the trial.

“Oi, oi, it’s an early bath for you Mr. Cantona!”

Overblown me hole. It was by far the most high profile incident of a player attacking a fan before or since. He was the best and most famous player on the biggest and best team at the time. And he didn’t just attack him he Kung Fu kicked him over the barrier into the chest FFS. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone do that as an initial engagement in a row outside of a Bruce Lee film. It was easily the maddest thing that happened in all my years watching soccer. If that wasn’t going to get blown up in terms of controversy and coverage what was. What a legend though. :heart:


This was good too.

“Your pub is sub par”