Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Israel are the standard bearers in reviving a language. Hard to get a bunch of smelly, wellied-up cunts in rural Tipp to spit all over each other at the mart in Mazel Tovs and Shaloms, mind…for the sake of a national identity of some description outside of rampant alcoholism and begrudgery. Dan Breen has probably ceased spinning in the grave at this point. The Brits might give us the occupied six back, but they defintely succeeded in shitting all over our culture to the point of a merciless drowning.

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The lad who gives out about immigration is against actual Irish culture and heritage. You couldn’t make it up.

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He also loves the Commonwealth and the British Royal Family

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When you’re agreeing with Ivan Yates you know you’re in trouble,


That really was a below the belt comment.

And let’s be clear - that’s exactly what he said.

I begrudgingly have a lot of respect for Cantona’s actions that time.

Too often players are subject to the most vile abuse by scumbags and Cantona decided to take him on.

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Ah he didnt decide to take him on, he launched himself studs first into the stand to get a crack off him and could have caused a riot as easily as anything. Taking him on would be to go toe to toe. If every footballer was to do that there’d be mayhem. And footballers nowadays take much worse abuse than that. Football supporters are scum, racist chants are abhorrent, but if the likes of Vini Jr and James McClean have managed to conduct themselves with a bit of class, he could and should have too. He got what he deserved and already had previous for being a cunt.

You’re more of a kick a lad on the ground fan I assume?

How will the numbers rise?

Depends, who is on the ground?

Never produced much in the Champions League or at international level as far as I know. Part of that French team that failed to qualify for USA 94’. Did he even score 20 goals in a Premier League season? A vibes man.

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Like Kyler/Woolie?

Surely you become immune to it. If a simpleton shouted something at me from the crowd I’d get a good laugh out of it. That would’ve been magnified for Cantona given he was earning multiples of what that Palace fan ever could. I was similarly surprised that Zidane was so startled when Matterrazi called his mother/sister a whore. That’s tame stuff in comparison to proper sledging that goes on in Ulster football.

Zidane wouldn’t survive ten minutes in the Bob Bradley Cup. The likes of Ricey would drive him demented

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Well that was the World Cup final. Zidane was a known hot head, was targeted and bizarrely he fell for it.

Would you kick Hitler on the ground lads? Would you?


I would like to, but I know that if he ever got up, he’d be the sort of falla would go after you with everything he had.

Michael Lyster was a way better presenter than Cantwell.

He’d ask the question and let them ramble away, not butting in every 30 seconds attempting to seem knowledgeable.


That’s hardly and unpopular opinion. They could have left him gerlock and squirrel there for another ten years talking hurling. Not sure why they were got rid of