Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Poor old Lowry was so hard up he’d to look into secondary sources of income

You’d be a great politician chief

The chasing pack got better.

Is that It? Likewise I thought he’d be dominant like Taylor but he hasn’t really.

The overall standard on the Pro Tour is the highest its ever been.

The year Kirk Shepard got to the final in 2008 he averaged 83 for the entire tournament. That wouldn’t be good enough to even get you on the tour these days.


The standard of snooker on the pro tour is shite in general

Cold lasagne is nicer than hot lasagne.

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Lasagne (hot or cold) should not be aerved without fries and heinz ketchup. Crusty bread a welcomed companion

I’d add cowelslaw to that heady mix


Bowelslaw is better.

'cc ravenous thread

Sounds like shit tbh

You Fiend.

Did Mrs Barnes not leave reheating instructions?



And Coleslaw, in true Roaster style.

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What condiment do you suggest? And dont be giving me any of that vinegary Chef bullshit

Garlic bread toasties

Posh cunt

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